87 castellations vs. no castellations jon prokop results

Electronics Forum: castellations vs. no castellations jon prokop (4)

Re: castellations vs. no castellations

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 26 19:32:03 EDT 1999 | Steve Gregory

| Can anyone give me the virtues of SMT package castellations vs. no castellations with particular reference to the ruggedness and reliability of the solder joints? Any references or studies that you can point me to? Also, although I'm in favor of

castellations vs. no castellations

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 26 18:28:10 EDT 1999 | Jon Prokop

Can anyone give me the virtues of SMT package castellations vs. no castellations with particular reference to the ruggedness and reliability of the solder joints? Any references or studies that you can point me to? Also, although I'm in favor of pr

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