Industry Directory | Manufacturer
We manufacture laser stencil for the PCB industry.
Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider
We have become a leader in the EDA software industry by empowering electronic designers and engineers with clever, high quality software tools which facilitate their designs for manufacturing.
ScanPLACE provides a sophisticated and user-friendly alternative to complex CAM software packages and inaccurate, time consuming manual inspection and programming methods that cost assembly houses productivity, time and money. Programming Using a
The Most Easy to Use Gerber Editor, Panelization, & DFM Tool Available." FAB 3000 is a "Full-Featured" CAM software package targeted for anyone who would like to have "high-end" CAM software to run advanced DRC/DFM verifications, gen
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 22 11:00:00 EST 2000 | Jeremy
Does anyone know if there is a shareware for freeware program that will convert gerber data to Centroid Data?
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 04 05:56:58 EDT 2006 | pavel_murtishev
Report->Centroid will create centroids for you if the project is �assembled� correctly. BR, Pavel
Used SMT Equipment | AOI / Automated Optical Inspection
Mirtec MV-2HTL Desktop Automated Optical Inspection Machine (2003) Brand: Mirtec Model: MV-2HTL Type: Automated optical inspection machine Serial #: 01031226-0227 Year: 2003 Voltage: 100V-240V /4.4A /50-60Hz Standard Features: Pentium&trad
Industry News | 2018-10-18 11:01:38.0
What Design Files Are Necessary for PCB Manufacturing & Assembly?
Career Center | San DIego (Mira Mesa), California USA | Engineering,Maintenance,Production
Duties: Supports, develops and optimizes manufacturing processes. Reviews quality metrics to help produce high quality, repeatable processes. Assists with supporting and improving the SMT process (print process, placement, reflow, package-o
Career Center | Clifton, New Jersey USA | Engineering,Production
L3Harris is seeking an engineer to lead manufacturing and space vehicle integration related activities on the GPSIIIF and NTS3 program. The type of space flight hardware produced at this L3Harris location includes complex circuit card assemblies (CCA
Career Center | ORLANDO, Florida USA | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Technical Support
Manufacturing tech/eng for a contract manufacture for 10+ years. Been working in the SMT industry for a total of 20yrs. Have done everything from operator to process work. Most familiar with Assembleon, MPM, DEK, BTU,Electrovert, SLIM-KIC, SUPER-MOLE