Industry Directory: chip resistor array solder bridging (1)

SMT and PCB Assembly in Indonesia

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

PCB Assembly in Indonesia with ISO Certificate Are you looking for SMT and PCB Assembly ? We provide SMT and PCB Assembly service in Indonesia. Located at bonded zone West Java Indonesia. Suitable for export oriented market.

New SMT Equipment: chip resistor array solder bridging (3)

PCB Practice Boards and Kits

PCB Practice Boards and Kits

New Equipment | Components

PC boards and kits for machine set-up and calibration, hand solder training, rework, practice, testing and more along with a drawing of each PCB. Practical has a PCB board or kit to meet your requirements. BGA Fine Pitch, Global Daisy-Chain or Vari

Practical Components, Inc.

Machine Vision Systems

Machine Vision Systems

New Equipment | Inspection

Machine vision uses image capture and analysis to automate tasks such as inspection, gauging, and counting, in addition to reading barcodes and optical characters (OCR). While human inspectors can visually inspect parts to judge the quality of workma


Electronics Forum: chip resistor array solder bridging (19)

Contamination under chip resistor array

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 21 08:33:09 EDT 2008 | davef

There is no standard as such. It's easy to see why. It's too complicated and has such a small payoff. Standoff is comprised of: * Package height * Solder thickness between the pad and the component lead * Delta of pad thickness and solder mask For p

Moisture under chip capacitors

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 11 15:23:31 EDT 2003 | Peter L.

I have come across a rash of failed assemblies that have 0805 capacitors and resistors, bottom side glued, wave soldered and washed. Trouble shooter reported touching up the solder joints on a few areas and the boards would pass test. I had a look a

Used SMT Equipment: chip resistor array solder bridging (6)

Panasonic high speed chip mounter NPM

Panasonic high speed chip mounter NPM

Used SMT Equipment | SMT Equipment

Product Name:Panasoinc  high speed chip mounter NPM Product number: NPM1 Detailed product introduction NPM multifunction machine, SMT machine, machine with function function function, check the dispensing machine, is a multifunctional equipment


Panasonic original high speed chip mounter NPM

Panasonic original high speed chip mounter NPM

Used SMT Equipment | SMT Equipment

Product Name:Panasoinc  high speed chip mounter NPM Product number: NPM1 Detailed product introduction NPM multifunction machine, SMT machine, machine with function function function, check the dispensing machine, is a multifunctional equipment


Industry News: chip resistor array solder bridging (20)

Electronic Components, Parts and Their Function

Industry News | 2018-12-08 03:22:25.0

Electronic Components, Parts and Their Function

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

SMT Dictionary – Surface Mount Technology Acronym and Abbreviation

Industry News | 2018-12-08 03:29:29.0

SMT Dictionary – Surface Mount Technology Acronym and Abbreviation

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Parts & Supplies: chip resistor array solder bridging (4)

Juki JUKl FX3 Ejector Unit Assy 40112421

Juki JUKl FX3 Ejector Unit Assy 40112421

Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders

JUKl FX3 Ejector Unit Assy 40112421 Part number: 40112421 Application: FX3 Brand: JUKI FX3 Ejector Unit Assy 40112421 is a spare part for JUKI pick & place machine FX-3, ZK Electronic Technology  have original new in stock, if you consider it

ZK Electronic Technology Co., Limited

Juki LASER CARD E9632721000/E9637721000

Juki LASER CARD E9632721000/E9637721000

Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders

Five uints laser control card for zevatech/juki 700 series available for sale. Shenzhen Green technology company is specialized in the field of cyberoptics laser sensor repair:juki laser,yamaha laser,sumsung laser, tenryu laser,philips laser etc,an

FUJINTAI Technology Co.,Ltd

Technical Library: chip resistor array solder bridging (1)

Lead-Free and Mixed Assembly Solder Joint Reliability Trends

Technical Library | 2022-10-31 17:30:40.0

This paper presents a quantitative analysis of solder joint reliability data for lead-free Sn-Ag-Cu (SAC) and mixed assembly (SnPb + SAC) circuit boards based on an extensive, but non-exhaustive, collection of thermal cycling test results. The assembled database covers life test results under multiple test conditions and for a variety of components: conventional SMT (LCCCs, resistors), Ball Grid Arrays, Chip Scale Packages (CSPs), wafer-level CSPs, and flip-chip assemblies with and without underfill. First-order life correlations are developed for SAC assemblies under thermal cycling conditions. The results of this analysis are put in perspective with the correlation of life test results for SnPb control assemblies. Fatigue life correlations show different slopes for SAC versus SnPb assemblies, suggesting opposite reliability trends under low or high stress conditions. The paper also presents an analysis of the effect of Pb contamination and board finish on lead-free solder joint reliability. Last, test data are presented to compare the life of mixed solder assemblies to that of standard SnPb assemblies for a wide variety of area-array components. The trend analysis compares the life of area-array assemblies with: 1) SAC balls and SAC or SnPb paste; 2) SnPb balls assembled with SAC or SnPb paste.


Videos: chip resistor array solder bridging (7)

Low cost SMT PCB test machine  Automated Optical Inspection  offline AOI System

Low cost SMT PCB test machine Automated Optical Inspection offline AOI System


EKT AOI machine application: inspection after stencil printing, pre/post reflow oven, pre/post wave soldering?FPC etc. Stencil printing: Solder unavailability, insufficient or excessive solder, solder misalignment, bridging, stain, scratch etc. Compo


EKT AOI inspection system on SMT assembly line

EKT AOI inspection system on SMT assembly line


EKT AOI machine application: inspection after stencil printing, pre/post reflow oven, pre/post wave soldering?FPC etc. Stencil printing: Solder unavailability, insufficient or excessive solder, solder misalignment, bridging, stain, scratch etc. Compo


Career Center - Resumes: chip resistor array solder bridging (1)

Project Manager - Electronics Products

Career Center | , | Engineering,Production

Project Management, SMT Process Engineering

Express Newsletter: chip resistor array solder bridging (1006)

SMT Express, Volume 2, Issue No. 5 - from

Featured Article Return to Front Page Soldering Technolo

SMT Express, Volume 3, Issue No. 5 - from

SMT Express, Volume 3, Issue No. 5 - from Volume 3, Issue No. 5 Thursday, May 17, 2001 Featured Article Return to Front Page A Closer Look at Area Array Components by Gil Zweig , Glenbrook Technologies, Inc . Combining

Partner Websites: chip resistor array solder bridging (29)

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2024 Eptac IPC Certification Training Schedule

Nozzles, Feeders, Spare Parts - Siemens, Fuji, Juki, Yamaha, etc...
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