New SMT Equipment: circuitcam fiducials (1)

LPKF ProtoMat H100 PCB Milling

LPKF ProtoMat H100 PCB Milling

New Equipment | Prototyping

Fully Automated for High-Performance Rapid PCB Prototyping Applications: Milling/drilling 1- & 2-sided PCBs Milling/drilling RF- & microwave substrates Multilayer PCBs up to 8 layers Contour routing circuit boards Flexible and

LPKF Laser & Electronics

Electronics Forum: circuitcam fiducials (4)

Re: Quad IIc, Autoprogram

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 25 18:58:10 EDT 2000 | Bob Miklosey

I am very familiar with AutoProgram and understand the default import formats for the software. AutoProgram wants a centroid file containing part number, ref des., X, Y, and theta. AutoProgram will not directly import an ASCII cad file. However, Ci

MPM Momentum Screen Printer Paste Inspection problem

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 27 13:47:24 EDT 2019 | whitelancer64

I am having an issue with aligning vision for solder paste inspection with the PCB in the Momentum machine. The SMT operators setup the profile on the machine, which I then import into Aegis CircuitCAM to add PCB locations. But when I export again, t

Express Newsletter: circuitcam fiducials (38)

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