Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider
A leader in software solutions for electroncs design, Mentor Graphics is the only EDA company with a total end-to-end solution for design though manufacturing.
Industry Directory | Distributor
Channel partner of Mentor Graphics in India for Valor Software package maily provides DFM and MES solution.
New Equipment | Education/Training
IPC-7351B includes both the standard and an IPC-7351B land pattern calculator on CD-ROM for accessing component and land pattern dimensional data.The calculator includes the document’s mathematical algorithms so users can build a land pattern for a c
Mentor Graphics offers a complete suite of high-speed PCB electronic circuit simulation software: signal integrity, power integrity, analog simulation, pcb thermal analysis, EMI/EMC design analysis. These circuit simulation solutions provide the flex
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 01 12:48:20 EDT 2008 | dgartman
I am currently using an older copy of CircuitCAM. We have not updated support for it in a few years, and do not have the extra CAD importers, but it works great with .356 CAD, and gerber files. We also purchased a copy of ViewMarkup from unisoft CIM.
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 03 09:57:27 EDT 1998 | Gary Simbulan
| Has anyone been able to link a Mydata with the Pads Software. The book say's it can not be done but someone told you can?????? Could someone put me on the right road. | Thank You | John Kirby John, Check out UNICAM at I use UNICAM
Industry News | 2003-03-12 08:28:44.0
CAM350 Release 8 is aimed at allowing engineering and manufacturing groups to detect and fix potential PCB fabrication problems earlier in the process.
Industry News | 2003-04-21 10:09:08.0
New Sales, Marketing Channel for Emerging EDA Companies
Technical Library | 2001-04-24 10:44:24.0
This paper reviews the possible implementations of the Micro Via Technology within the Mentor Graphic's Board Station environment, specifically within the Librarian, Layout and Fablink applications. In this context, the definition of a Micro Via is constrained to Board Station’s support of such technology and contains only generalized descriptions of the manufacturing processes that require Micro Vias.
Technical Library | 2001-04-24 10:41:53.0
Tau models describe the timing and functional information of component interfaces. Timing information specifies the delay in placing values on output signals and the timing constraints (set-up/hold, pulse-width) on input signals of a component. Functional information, through a finite state machine (FSM), specifies when output signal values change, when input signal values are latched, and how output values are determined as a function of input values. - In minutes the Unisoft ProntoTEST-FIXTURE software translates CAD & BOM files into real reference designators, netlists, X/Y component pin geometries, values, tolerances, part numbers, etc. This data is used by Test
For more on HyperLynx: For more on HyperLynx and SerDes design: Try HyperLynx PI in the Cloud:
Training Courses | | | PCB Design Courses
The PCB design courses teach students the process, techniques and tools needed to design layout of printed circuit boards.
Events Calendar | Mon Jun 10 00:00:00 EDT 2024 - Mon Jun 10 00:00:00 EDT 2024 | Carlsbad, California USA
San Diego Chapter In-Person Event: IPC J-STD-001 Compliant Solder Pattern Calculations for DFA
Career Center | Grand Rapids, Michigan USA | Production
MYDATA equipment programmer/operator/maintenance Technician working with at least one of the following: unicam, circuitcam or mentor.
Career Center | Dallas, Texas USA | Engineering
Skills/Requirements: BS in Electroincs Engineering(3.0 min GPA) 5+ years designing PC based or embedded products, Mentor graphics or similar EE CAE for circuit design, similation and maintenance, troubleshooting of PC chip set and processor level on
Career Center | Karachi, Pakistan | Engineering,Maintenance,Research and Development,Sales/Marketing,Technical Support
• Experienced in SMT Production, working on Siplace X Series-S and DEK-Micron Printer, on Siplace Pro and Siplace Explorer. • Having Strongly Skills of calibration of SMT machine, twin head, Multi star head, speed star head, gentry, Nozzles, feeders,
GPD Global |
: CircuitCAM Express CircuitCAM Express converts data from external sources into a fully functional GPD Global FLOware software program. Data formats such as Gerber, GENCAD, Mentor Graphics, and numerous other ASCII formats are compatible with the translator
Outputs to Gencad, Fabmaster, PADS, Mentor Graphics, ipc-d-356, ipc-2581, ipc2581, etc. Availability of the Unisoft in-house translation service may vary. DEMONSTRATIONS