New Equipment | Solder Materials
ALPHA® wave solder and soldering bar metals (wave soldering alloys) offer best value soldering performance – quality solder bar metals products at the lowest cost of ownership, and thanks to a global copy exact product policy, consistency of wave sol
New Equipment | Solder Materials
Indium Corporation manufactures high quality solder powders and pastes. Powders are available in hundreds of alloys and a full range of sizes. Solder pastes can be made from these powders using a wide variety of flux vehicles to get the best fit for
Electronics Forum | Mon May 09 18:14:54 EDT 2016 | davef
I asked Randi Gates, Electrolube Marketing to join us to help with the conversation. Taking a step back from the Electrolube question, I could envision a 10 minute soak in DI water stripping the gold from a an ENIG board, you know, depending on the
Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 08 15:27:25 EST 2015 | davef
Thinner: Flux thinner, NOT paint thinner We kept a spare stone in thinner in inventory. We cut PVC pipe to size, cap in one end, screw thread on the other, stone inside, filled with flux thinner and covered with a screw cap. I don't remember who we
Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Wave
this type can be added with nitrogen protection system 1 Flux spraying system 1.1 Spray fluxer can sense the board size automatically, and the spraying area can be adjusted according to the width of PCB. 1.2 Spray fluxer can sense the conveyor
Industry News | 2018-10-18 09:25:57.0
about wave soldering machine tin pot
Industry News | 2018-10-18 10:16:53.0
Solder Tinned Pads vs Gold Plated Pads - The Importance of Selecting the Proper Surface Finish
HR-SD100 is an endeavor in reverting and recycling the oxides which occur during working of a Wave Soldering Machine in order to reduce production cost, create a greener environment and assist the quality process. Use special stirring system to melt
HR-SD100 is an endeavor in reverting and recycling the oxides which occur during working of a Wave Soldering Machine in order to reduce production cost, create a greener environment and assist the quality process. Use special stirring system to melt
SMT Express, Issue No. 5 - from Volume 1, Issue No. 5 Wednesday, October 13, 1999 Featured Article Return to Front Page HASL WHAT A HASSLE, or HASL'd AGAINby Earl Moon INTRODUCTION This article updates one I wrote for Printed
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
. Molten The condition where a material that is solid at room temperature is liquid. N No Clean (NC) Category of flux designed to be left on a product after soldering, as opposed to cleaning it off
Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA) |
. Abstract 32-2 The Study of Dissolution of Bi Precipitates in Sn Using a Novel In Situ Heating Technique in the SEM Peter Banh, André M. Delhaise, Doug D. Perovic Abstract 32-2 Tin Whisker Formation in Bismuth-Containing Lead-Free Solder Alloys After Long-Term Ambient Temperature, High Humidity Storage, Part I