Electronics Forum: componnets floating away (16)

Reflow soldering of 208-RQFP-0.5mm

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 31 20:35:58 EST 2005 | milroyperera

If I brief shifting, I checked the component before it enter the reflow oven and saw that the IC is perfectly aligned on the pads but when it comes out from the oven the IC is floated on the pads. The floating is irregular and the IC is shifted away

CP-642 specific part missing/inconsistent

Electronics Forum | Thu May 07 15:23:57 EDT 2020 | tey422

From what you described of what you seeing from the slow motion is that the part is not actually "placed"; it's more like drops on top of the paste, so it's floating on top only which vibrations would cause it to slips away. Even though I am not fa

Industry News: componnets floating away (3)

Adaptive Tool Prevents Components Floating Off

Industry News | 2003-06-12 08:24:37.0

An adaptive tool prevents small and/or light components "lifting" or "floating" on printed circuit board assemblies during the wave solder process.


Coreco Imaging Introduces Mamba-100

Industry News | 2001-08-01 16:29:03.0

High Speed Embedded Vision Processor Based on the Pentium III

Coreco Imaging

Express Newsletter: componnets floating away (54)

Partner Websites: componnets floating away (9)

Is It Possible To "Tie" License To a Person? - PCB Libraries Forum

PCB Libraries, Inc. | https://www.pcblibraries.com/Forum/is-it-possible-to-tie-license-to-a-person_topic463.html

.  At the current promotional rate it was a no-brainier to grab a copy right away. At $400 I would have needed to give it more thought

PCB Libraries, Inc.

PCB Product and Job Tracking Manufacturing Execution System MES Software | Unisoft

| https://unisoft-cim.com/cells.php

. Each license for the CELLS Workflow MES costs $280 per year. These licenses are floating licenses, allowing you to distribute a single license among numerous users on an unlimited number of workstations

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