Industry Directory: conceptronic air (2)


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New SMT Equipment: conceptronic air (1)

Rework Stations

Rework Stations

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Rework Stations - Air Vac, SRT, Pace, Metcal, Conceptronic Rework Stations for sale at JMW Enterprises.

JMW Enterprises, Inc.

Electronics Forum: conceptronic air (49)

BGA rework systems

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 22 13:12:07 EST 2002 | bcceng

Maxtim, the rework stations you mentioned are the lower end low cost units, all great machines. Now days you can get a real deal in the used market on the top of the line models offered in rework stations. There are three rework station that I consid

solder balls on high temp.solder

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 11 15:12:20 EST 2000 | accuspec

we are using alphametals no clean 95sn/5ag CL775 paste. After reflow there are solder balls on the board. mainly are around the cap. We are using a conceptronic concept 60 air. There are 4 zones with 8 chambers. We are not sure what the profile

Express Newsletter: conceptronic air (161)

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