Electronics Forum: conceptronic fuse (9)

Conceptronic HVA102 request for help

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 10 15:28:47 EDT 2015 | sumote

I could really use some help, My oven is continually blowing one of the SFC fuses (the one on the left as it sets in the machine) when the conveyor tries to run. It appears that the traces on the circuit card were having too much current pulled th

Re: IR Versus Hot Air - Put-Up Your Dukes

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 23:58:01 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | Jackie's posting recently and responses to it got me to dondering. First, recollecting, we bought an IR rework station a couple million years ago. It had a IR source on a stand, a bunch of lenses, and Reynolds aluminum foil for shielding near-b

Express Newsletter: conceptronic fuse (23)

New Methods of Testing PCB Traces Capacity and Fusing

New Methods of Testing PCB Traces Capacity and Fusing New Methods of Testing PCB Traces Capacity and Fusing by: Norocel Codreanu, Radu Bunea, Paul Svasta; "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Center for Technological Electronics

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