Industry Directory: controller phelon parts inc. (27)

Heller Industries Inc.

Heller Industries Inc.

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Reflow ovens for automated SMT PCB assembly, specializing in lead free processing and nitrogen reflow. The best convection reflow ovens on the market.

New SMT Equipment: controller phelon parts inc. (572)

ZM-R7850A Nitrogen Capable BGA Rework Station

ZM-R7850A Nitrogen Capable BGA Rework Station

New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment

The Zhuomao ZM-R7850A BGA Rework Station is a top of the line Nitrogen Capable Rework System.  Great to help increase yield with Lead Free Solders and a no clean process.   Place SMD components from .8mm to 80mm with the high resolution motorized vis

Precision PCB Services, Inc

PCB Footprint Expert - Tens of Millions of Parts; 25 CAD Formats!

PCB Footprint Expert - Tens of Millions of Parts; 25 CAD Formats!

New Equipment | Software

The PCB Footprint Expert is a powerful CAD library development tool powered by our own proprietary CAD LEAP Technology (Libraries Enhanced with Automated Preferences). It is packed with very powerful advanced library management features that cuts foo

PCB Libraries, Inc.

Electronics Forum: controller phelon parts inc. (8)

Replacement IP2 nozzles/feeders

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 26 10:47:49 EDT 2010 | marcelll

I have in stock nozzles & feeders & spare parts for IP2 at very good price. Marcel Duclos Control MD Inc 514-349-1989

Re: here's one for you board stuffers!!!

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 12 10:18:36 EST 1999 | Russ Steiner

| Any idea what the "industry standard" is for fall out on assembled PCB's? I realize that the controls put in place in your processes will effect your overall quality. But I'm trying for a general answer. On pre-tested assemblies, should you exp

Used SMT Equipment: controller phelon parts inc. (3)

Hepco Model 8000-1S

Hepco Model 8000-1S

Used SMT Equipment | THT Equipment

We Bought this Machine Brand New and It is In Flawless Condition!                                                        Low Use Hepco, Inc. 8000-1 Axial Component Lead Cut & Former Features are as follows: • Loose Component Production Rate: 10

Magnetic Systems

Rohde & Schwarz FSH6.26

Rohde & Schwarz FSH6.26

Used SMT Equipment | In-Circuit Testers

Rohde & Schwarz FSH6.26 Handheld Spectrum Analyzer, 100 kHz-6 GHz Rohde & Schwarz, Inc. FSH626 Handheld spectrum analyzer, 100 kHz - 6 GHz, RBW 100 Hz - 1 MHz color LCD display, tracking gen., preamp (P/N 1145.5850.26) FSH606: Bandwidth 100

Test Equipment Connection

Industry News: controller phelon parts inc. (360)

Microscan Opens Northeast Technology Center in Nashua, NH

Industry News | 2010-01-21 15:16:41.0

NASHUA, NH, USA -- Microscan Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:PWAV), the Global Technology Leader in Precision Data Acquisition and Control Solutions, showcased the expansion of its worldwide operations with the grand opening of its newest R & D manufacturing facility located in Nashua, NH USA.. The ribbon cutting ceremony took place on 14th January 2010 gathering a select group of key customers and media representatives.


Newport Corporation has New Board Members

Industry News | 2003-04-21 09:53:12.0

Michael T. O'Neill and Peter J. Simone


Parts & Supplies: controller phelon parts inc. (19)

Juki RMB-STI-SYNQNET-4 JUKI JHRMB 40003261 ZT Axis RMB Control Boards

Juki RMB-STI-SYNQNET-4 JUKI JHRMB 40003261 ZT Axis RMB Control Boards

Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories

Detailed Product Description Brand: JUKI Part Name: RMB-STI-SYNQNET-4 Control Board Part Number: 40003261 Machine: JUKI Machine Condition: Original New Origin: Japan RMB-STI-SYNQNET-4 JUKI JHRMB 40003261 ZT Axis RMB Control Boards Detail Info

KingFei SMT Tech



Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders


QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Technical Library: controller phelon parts inc. (1)

The Perfect Copper Surface

Technical Library | 2015-11-12 19:04:51.0

In order to provide the functionality in today’s electronics, printed circuit boards are approaching the complexity of semiconductors. For flexible circuits with 1 mil lines and spaces, this means no nodules, no pits, and excellent ductility with thinner deposits. One of the areas that has to change to get to this plateau of technology is acid copper plating. Acid copper systems have changed in minor increments since their introduction decades ago. However, the basic cell design using soluble anodes in slabs or baskets has for the most part remained the same. Soluble, phosphorized, copper anodes introduce particulate and limits the ability to control plating distribution.

Technic Inc.

Videos: controller phelon parts inc. (39)

E6250U Nitrogen Capable BGA Rework Station

E6250U Nitrogen Capable BGA Rework Station


The biggest, baddest, most affordable Nitrogen Capable BGA Rework Station demonstrated by Dennis O'Donnell the BGA Expert! Safe, precision rework for SMD, BGA, and LED chips on boards as large as 36" or more!. The versatile E6250U rework station co

Precision PCB Services, Inc

SV560A BGA Rework Station Demo

SV560A BGA Rework Station Demo


A demo of the Shuttle Star SV560 A BGA Rework Station.

Precision PCB Services, Inc

Training Courses: controller phelon parts inc. (4)

Counterfeit Component Training Course

Training Courses | | | PCB Inspection Courses

The PCB inspection courses focus on improving PCB yield and reliability through validation and detection of defects on electronics assemblies.

ACI Technologies, Inc.

IPC-J-STD-001 Operator Recertification (CIS)

Training Courses | | | IPC J-STD-001 Specialist (CIS) Recert.

The Certified IPC J-STD-001 Specialist (CIS) recertification courses are intended for those individuals who were previously certified as IPC J-STD-001 Specialists.


Events Calendar: controller phelon parts inc. (1)

Webinar: BGA Reballing - Theory and Hands On

Events Calendar | Tue Feb 19 00:00:00 EST 2019 - Tue Feb 19 00:00:00 EST 2019 | ,

Webinar: BGA Reballing - Theory and Hands On

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Career Center - Jobs: controller phelon parts inc. (36)

SMT Technician

Career Center | Delavan, Wisconsin USA | Production

*Set up printers, placement machines and reflow ovens for production. *Adjust machine parameters and CAM programs *Optimize part placement and feeder applications through CAM programs *Manipulate SPC data for solder paste height measrurements and int

Borg Indak, Inc.

SMT Operator

Career Center | Fremont, California USA | Production,Quality Control

Local industry leading EMS Company seeking SMT operators. Will be doing SMT line Change overs, SMT machine operation for solder printing, placement, reflow. Solder paste height measurement and record. Solder printing quality check after solder paste

Adecco USA, Inc

Career Center - Resumes: controller phelon parts inc. (38)

Manufacturing, Industrial, Process, Production

Career Center | Mayaguez, Puerto Rico | Engineering,Production

Detail oriented and goes to great lengths to insure that the products are meeting and exceeding customer expectations. Place procedures and training in place to provide former company with techniques for ISO 9001:2008 and QS 9000. Assist design engi

Randy Corral's resume

Career Center | Danao city, Cebu Philippines | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Quality Control

JUKI Chip Mounter Maintenance and Troubleshooting JUKI Chip Mounter programming MINAMI Solder Paste Printer Maintenance and Troubleshooting MINAMI Solder Paste Printer programming PWB Loader / Unloader Maintenance and Troubleshooting TAMURA Reflow ma

Express Newsletter: controller phelon parts inc. (1023)

Partner Websites: controller phelon parts inc. (358)

Advanced FPC Real Time Controller User Guide

GPD Global |

Advanced FPC Real Time Controller User Guide Advanced FPC Real Time Controller User Guide Version 1.1 September 25, 2020 Part No

GPD Global

ICT Archives - Lewis and Clark, Inc.

Lewis & Clark |

ICT Archives - Lewis and Clark, Inc. Skip to content My Cart:  $ 0.00 0 View Cart Checkout No products in the cart. Subtotal: $ 0.00 View Cart Checkout Lewis and Clark, Inc

Lewis & Clark

controller phelon parts inc. searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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Heller Industries Inc.
Heller Industries Inc.

Reflow ovens for automated SMT PCB assembly, specializing in lead free processing and nitrogen reflow. The best convection reflow ovens on the market.


4 Vreeland Rd.
Florham Park, NJ USA

Phone: 973-377-6800

2024 Eptac IPC Certification Training Schedule

Best Reflow Oven
Formic Reflow Soldering

We offer SMT Nozzles, feeders and spare parts globally. Find out more
Vacuum Reflow Soldering

High Precision Fluid Dispensers
PCB Handling with CE

High Throughput Reflow Oven
PCB separator
