We are manufacturers of Reflow and Cure systems for SMT and special thermal applications. We also manufacture bespoke systems to suit customers exact requirements using a mixture of technologies , IR, Convection or a combination of both
Industry Directory | Manufacturer
Manufacturer of convection reflow ovens, vapor phase ovens, convection curing, and IR curing ovens.
New Equipment | Education/Training
All Bob Willis training workshops are run on site at your manufacturing facility, conference or exhibition venues Worldwide. We offer the largest range of theory and hands on workshops in the industry. The content of any workshop may be modified to s
Chip shooters Fine Pitch Convection & IR Ovens Screen Printers
Electronics Forum | Tue May 11 08:02:07 EDT 1999 | Philip
We are currently looking at purchasing some BGA rework equipment. Could someone give us the pro's and cons of IR heating (top/bottom)vs. hot air convection ? All other tips are also welcome. Thanks
Electronics Forum | Tue May 11 12:02:03 EDT 1999 | Tony
| We are currently looking at purchasing some BGA rework equipment. Could someone give us the pro's and cons of IR heating (top/bottom)vs. hot air convection ? | All other tips are also welcome. | | Thanks | Philip, I have been doing BGA rework for
Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Wave
Electrovert Wave Soldering Machine Model: Vectra 450/F Vintage: 2001 Leaded - Pot Full Of 63/37 Solder 3 Bottom Side Preheat (2 Convection + 1 IR) 1 Top Side IR Preheat Power: 3 x 480V Complete & Operational
Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Wave
Speedline Electrovert Wave Soldering Machine Model: Vectra 450F Year: 2001 Power: 480V / 3-Phase 3 Bottom-Side Preheat (2 Convection + 1 IR) 1 Top-Side Preheat (IR) Leaded Pot (63/37 SnPb)
Industry News | 2016-07-10 12:08:40.0
All our training workshops are run on site at your manufacturing facility, conference or exhibition venues worldwide. We offer the largest range of topics in the industry
Industry News | 2010-07-06 10:21:32.0
Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. (NYSE: VSH) is adding to its Optoelectronics portfolio with a family of mid-range infrared (IR) sensors featuring digital and analog outputs in three package types. With a fast response time of 300 microseconds and low supply current of 0.85 mA, the industry-best detectors have a range of up to 30 meters when used as part of an interrupter design and a range of up to three meters when used as part of a reflective sensor.
Parts & Supplies | Soldering - Wave
Used, Electrovert EPK Plus Convection Preheater 220VAC, removed in good working condition, two available. Also in stock are EPK Plus IR Top Side Preheaters 220VAC, 440VAC Preheaters, Vectra Preheaters - please inquire. Ships FOB: Origin 55427 A
ACI Technologies Inc. (ACI) is a scientific research corporation dedicated to the advancement of electronics manufacturing processes and materials for The Department of Defense and industry. This video provides an overview of our commercial service
Career Center | San Pablo City, Laguna, Philippines | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Sales/Marketing,Technical Support
Some key points you may find relevant to this job opportunity include: Extensive experience and knowledge on Service and Technical skills by performing Set-up, Buy-off, troubleshooting of the assigned Equipments. Provide solution to custom
Heller Industries Inc. | https://hellerindustries.com/parts/7203143/
7203143 - IR Panel Phone 1-973-377-6800 Company About News Events New Equipment Convection Reflow Ovens Reflow Oven MK7 -New! Dual Lane, Dual Temperature Reflow Oven Pressure Curing Ovens
| http://etasmt.com:9060/te_product_b/2011-04-18/240.chtml
PCB LED Convection Reflow Oven-IR/ UV Curing Oven-Reflow oven,SMT Reflow Soldering Oven-cmsadmin Home About I.C.T News Products Video Projects Service Join Us Contact Us Home About I.C.T