1159 convert dwell time into a conveyor speed results

Electronics Forum: convert dwell time into a conveyor speed (1)

Wave Soldering - Icicling/Bridges

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 23 20:27:54 EST 2003 | joeherz

Hello, We recently installed a new/used UPK 650 fitted with a foam fluxer using an RMA flux chemistry. We have had problems with icicling and bridging from the beginning. The bridging occurs mostly on DIPs and connectors. The icicling is on longer

Express Newsletter: convert dwell time into a conveyor speed (1142)

SMT Express, Issue No. 5 - from SMTnet.com

SMT Express, Issue No. 5 - from SMTnet.com Volume 1, Issue No. 5 Wednesday, October 13, 1999 Featured Article Return to Front Page HASL WHAT A HASSLE, or HASL'd AGAINby Earl Moon INTRODUCTION This article updates one I wrote for Printed

Partner Websites: convert dwell time into a conveyor speed (16)

Fluid Dispensing Machines and Equipment

GPD Global | https://www.gpd-global.com/co_website/pdf/dispense/Dispensing-Systems-and-Pumps-Overview.pdf

process is running. Optimize and take advantage of the fine mechanics and control systems designed into the dispense pump. Real Time Process Control (FPC) for the dispense pump enhances the repeatability of a pump during the production process. Working in

GPD Global

The Last Will And Testament of the BGA Void

Heller Industries Inc. | https://hellerindustries.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/last-will-of-bga-void.pdf

temperature zones. The conveyor speed was 102 cm per minute with a standard air atmosphere environment. The oven used the high convection setting, and the boards were placed on the rails. 167 The test vehicles were allowed to air cool after reflow and then

Heller Industries Inc.

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