Industry Directory: convert gerber to odb (1)

Artwork Conversion Software, Inc.

Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider

Artwork specializes in CAD translators and postprocessors for the IC & PCB industry. We offer tools such as: DXF to Gerber, ODB2GBR, rasterizers for imagewriters and inspection equip, WaferMap viewers & converters.

New SMT Equipment: convert gerber to odb (4)

SimmCAD v1.0 - PCB CAD to Pick & Place Converter

SimmCAD v1.0 - PCB CAD to Pick & Place Converter

New Equipment | Software

Converts CAD files from most PCB CAD system into files that can run on your Pick & Place or similar type of machine. Imports both the Cad generated gerber file and component list. It then combines them to give you a graphical representation of the bo

RS Simmons Co., LLC

ACE Translator 3000 - CAD/EDA Conversion Software (for Electronic Design)

ACE Translator 3000 - CAD/EDA Conversion Software (for Electronic Design)

New Equipment | Software

Convert: Gerber, DWG, DXF, ODB++, PDF, Images and a whole lot more! 1 CAD Conversion Tool - 100's of Solutions! Fraction of the price that other's charge! With ACE 3000 all file formats are Converted in just 4 STEPS! In addition ACE has a friendly

Numerical Innovations

Electronics Forum: convert gerber to odb (65)

convert gerber file to .text cad

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 09:01:18 EDT 2023 | abdopower

Help: convert gerber file to cad file(.text) online not by application?

convert gerber file to .text cad

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 24 19:27:00 EDT 2023 | proceng1

I guess I don't understand the question. Convert to .text?

Industry News: convert gerber to odb (10)

6 Things to Check Before Submitting Your PCB Design for Manufacturing

Industry News | 2018-10-18 11:23:54.0

6 Things to Check Before Submitting Your PCB Design for Manufacturing

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

How to Export Gerber Files from Eagle

Industry News | 2018-10-18 09:45:34.0

How to Export Gerber Files from Eagle

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Videos: convert gerber to odb (5)

Example of how to import raw GERBER files and convert them to useful production data. Create real reference designators, theta rotation, part numbers, X/Y component pin and center geometries, values, tolerances, etc.

Example of how to import raw GERBER files and convert them to useful production data. Create real reference designators, theta rotation, part numbers, X/Y component pin and center geometries, values, tolerances, etc.


ProntoGERBER-CONNECTION software is used by electronic manufacturer & imports raw Gerber data & allows the user to add intelligent information to the shapes on the display and creates real reference designators, theta rotation, part numbers, X/Y comp

UNISOFT Corporation

Example of how to import CAD data and BOM files, and export to an AOI machine program setup file.

Example of how to import CAD data and BOM files, and export to an AOI machine program setup file.

Videos - ProntoAOI software from Unisoft is used by electronic manufacturers to quickly program their Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI) machines and X-RAY Equipment. ProntoAOI programs most popular AOI Equipment such as

UNISOFT Corporation

Express Newsletter: convert gerber to odb (187)

Partner Websites: convert gerber to odb (101)

ODB ++ Future v Gerber - or something else? - PCB Libraries Forum

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

. I output an archive of gerber/excellon/gencad/IPC-356 netlist/centroid data as well as an ODB++, double-check each output in a viewer, and let my end customers choose what they want to use

PCB Libraries, Inc.

Aegis CircuitCAM Express

GPD Global |

announces that it has signed a partnership agreement with Aegis Software to distribute CircuitCAM Express data translation software. CircuitCAM Express is a dedicated data translation module that handles numerous forms of data including Gerber and other CAD, as well as P&P data formats

GPD Global

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