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Artwork specializes in CAD translators and postprocessors for the IC & PCB industry. We offer tools such as: DXF to Gerber, ODB2GBR, rasterizers for imagewriters and inspection equip, WaferMap viewers & converters.
Converts CAD files from most PCB CAD system into files that can run on your Pick & Place or similar type of machine. Imports both the Cad generated gerber file and component list. It then combines them to give you a graphical representation of the bo
Convert: Gerber, DWG, DXF, ODB++, PDF, Images and a whole lot more! 1 CAD Conversion Tool - 100's of Solutions! Fraction of the price that other's charge! With ACE 3000 all file formats are Converted in just 4 STEPS! In addition ACE has a friendly
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 09:01:18 EDT 2023 | abdopower
Help: convert gerber file to cad file(.text) online not by application?
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 24 19:27:00 EDT 2023 | proceng1
I guess I don't understand the question. Convert to .text?
Industry News | 2018-10-18 11:23:54.0
6 Things to Check Before Submitting Your PCB Design for Manufacturing
Industry News | 2018-10-18 09:45:34.0
How to Export Gerber Files from Eagle
ProntoGERBER-CONNECTION software is used by electronic manufacturer & imports raw Gerber data & allows the user to add intelligent information to the shapes on the display and creates real reference designators, theta rotation, part numbers, X/Y comp - ProntoAOI software from Unisoft is used by electronic manufacturers to quickly program their Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI) machines and X-RAY Equipment. ProntoAOI programs most popular AOI Equipment such as
PCB Libraries, Inc. |
. I output an archive of gerber/excellon/gencad/IPC-356 netlist/centroid data as well as an ODB++, double-check each output in a viewer, and let my end customers choose what they want to use
GPD Global |
announces that it has signed a partnership agreement with Aegis Software to distribute CircuitCAM Express data translation software. CircuitCAM Express is a dedicated data translation module that handles numerous forms of data including Gerber and other CAD, as well as P&P data formats