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Specialty materials for SMT Assembly. Solder Paste, Spheres, Tac Fluxes, Flip Chip Fluxes, Solder wi
New Equipment | Solder Materials
Tip tinner to aid in cleaning and re-tinning solder iron tips de-wetted by use which can’t be repaired with sponge pads and cored solder wire. Use of TTC100C LEAD FREE Tip Tinner offers the following advantages: Lead Free SN100C tin/copper/nic
New Equipment | Solder Materials
FCT Assembly has partnered with Nihon Superior to be able to offer their patented lead free nickel stabilized tin/copper wave solder alloy- SN100C in North America. SN100C was developed to offer a technically superior and more economical option to th
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 29 21:51:37 EST 2005 | wmeyers
I have a pin and sleeve assembly that utilizes a fusible link type of solder, Bi, Cd, Pb and Sn alloy. The pin is gold plated, the sleeve is copper alloy 725. I have had sporadic success with wetting of the sleeve during the reflow process. To improv
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 15 11:15:30 EDT 2004 | patrickbruneel
Pure (red) copper oxide is green, its not a residue its just oxidation. In your case water and heat will accelerate the oxidation process of unplated or unprotected pure copper. The best way to avoid this from happening is use a socket with tin or n
Industry News | 2018-12-08 03:29:29.0
SMT Dictionary – Surface Mount Technology Acronym and Abbreviation
Industry News | 2018-10-18 09:27:40.0
Time Temperature setting wave soldering is the most important in the solder melts full auto PCB screen printer and SMT solder paste printing machine with Image and optical system,It is a very accurate fully automatic SMT stencil printer.automatic PCB screen printer main full auto PCB screen printer and SMT solder paste printing machine with Image and optical system,It is a very accurate fully automatic SMT stencil printer.automatic PCB screen printer main
Events Calendar | Wed Mar 18 00:00:00 EDT 2020 - Wed Mar 18 00:00:00 EDT 2020 | College Park, Maryland USA
CALCE Reliability Science Symposium - Spring 2020
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Imagineering, Inc. |
) is a medium that connects electronic components in a controlled manner. It has a laminated sandwich structure such that each layer contains circuit traces and other features etched onto sheets of copper