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Easy and safe to use best data recovery software to undelete files from all types of data storage media such as Hard disks and USB removable media drives.
PCB Scanning (Bared boards, de-assembled boards and Flex boards) Reasons to scan an existing circuit board may include: • To help you duplicate or document your board. • If you have lost or your files are corrupted. Later you can modify the curre
When your computer fails, or you find that a previously good file has been corrupted or lost, the last thing you want to do is spend hours finding the data and restoring your system. NovaBackup 6.6, have been designed to get you back up and running
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 01 15:20:39 EDT 2008 | slthomas
1) Is it possible that there is another program for the board w/o without the block conversion? Renaming instead of copying the file to a new name is one mistake I won't make again! 2) Are there "notes" in the last column of the placement data? If t
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 16 14:12:28 EDT 2021 | sarason
Use my program PCBSynergy It has VIOS geneartion in it pretty much identical to the files that CAD2CAD generates. sarason
Industry News | 2018-10-18 11:09:41.0
Advantages of Design for Manufacturability Rules
Industry News | 2013-03-27 15:04:06.0
The Enterprise Data eXchange (or EDX) Solutions Alliance was established today to provide an open industry forum for the broad adoption of its new standard, EDX. EDX is a new and robust data format created to capture PCB-related IP in a standard form for safe and secure data-sharing with enterprise systems and remote third parties.
Career Center | Dargaha Road Zameen Pallavaram Chennai, Tamilnadu India | Maintenance,Technical Support
CURRENT JOB: • Responsible for four sub department as Production support, Preventive maintenance activity, Spare parts control and NPI (New product Introduction) under one Equipment department. • Take care of OEE (Overall Equipment Efficiency), MTTR
Career Center | Grand Prairie, Texas USA | Production,Quality Control,Technical Support
SMT Programmering Specialist. Pick and place, screen printer, AOI and quality inspection, process control, CAD and program development.
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