Industry Directory: cp-643 st 15 (2)

Adamtech Ltd

Industry Directory |

Second user DEK equipment dealer & aqssociated products


Industry Directory | Distributor

HK JDW ELECTRONIC CO., LIMITED company is a professional IC and MODULE supporting company, handling an extensive range of business including various ASIC and IC components, we own large stock of IC and IGBT modules, power modules

New SMT Equipment: cp-643 st 15 (195)

SASMUNG SM321 Z Axis Shaft Smt holder

SASMUNG SM321 Z Axis Shaft Smt holder

New Equipment | Pick & Place

SASMUNG SM321 Z Axis Shaft Smt holder Samsung holder shaft: J7055542A SHAFT J90551171A SHAFT CP45 SHAFT J9058090A FILTER HOLDER J81001856A FILTER HOLDER JM-SAM-11 FILTER HOLDER VFU2-44 FILTER HOLDER Panasonic Holder Shaft: KXF034YA04/N610009409AA,N

ZK Electronic Technology Co., Limited

Fuji CP-643E Chip Shooter

New Equipment |  

Machine details: Back device table doors installed. New Type of Nozzle Holder Shaft Assembly. Machine Software Version: V1.27 Machine Vision Software Version: V3.00 Machine Mfg Date: NOV. 1999 Machine Working Hours: 15,024 Type/Quantity of noz

Used Machine Dealers

Electronics Forum: cp-643 st 15 (126)

unknown nozzle st 17

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 19 12:34:33 EST 2013 | jimmyboz

I am not trying to be critical but, you didn't even say Fuji CP-6 problem. There are CP-6, CP-642, and CP-643 machines, are asking 2 model as 642? Anyway, slow the cam speed down in the proper to 40 or 50%. If the problem goes away check the mainte

Fuji CP643 maintenance, how long should it take?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 08 15:05:59 EDT 2011 | shannond

You could always go out on the floor with the tech and do the PM with them. That way you would have 1st hand experience and would be able to offer some creative insight as to how this person could better manage thier time. Or you can post a question

Used SMT Equipment: cp-643 st 15 (51)

Fuji CP643E

Fuji CP643E

Used SMT Equipment | Chipshooters / Chip Mounters

2000 Fuji CP643 SMT Pick & Place - LOW HOURS OF USE - Approx. Dimensions: 138" x 73" x 80" Item Location: Westerville, OH USA Serial: 2040 Features: CP6 43 Loading System

Baja Bid

Fuji CP643E

Fuji CP643E

Used SMT Equipment | Chipshooters / Chip Mounters

FUJI, Chip Shooter, type CP643E, s.n. 1278, Left to right, cap. 40.000 CPH, Device input 140-8mm, with 20 heades, 6 nozels each, 2 tables 70 feeders each, PCB dimensions Max: 457mm x 356mm Min: 80mm x 60mm,Board Thickness: 0.3 to 4.0 mm, Component ca

Baja Bid

Industry News: cp-643 st 15 (164)

The Electronics Industry Loses a Consummate Professional

Industry News | 2009-09-26 15:37:45.0

Barry O’Brien died on Sunday, September 20, 2009 while bike riding. Barry covered the Ohio territory for Horizon Sales, a manufacturer’s representative corporation supplying machinery and supplies to the electronics industry.


Camden Electronics Appoints New Distributor in Germany for Enclosure Products

Industry News | 2003-06-09 09:41:14.0

Mehlo Bauelemente GmbH specialises in electronic packaging and has 20 years experience serving the German market with a wide range of enclosure products.


Parts & Supplies: cp-643 st 15 (1454)



Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories

FUJI KSUN CSQC2190 BELT FOR CP643E SMT MACHINE ( Can be customized according to the customer requirements) More SMT belts in stocks. 300-5GT-23 Original belt  300-S5M-20 Original belt  460-5GT-12 Original belt  580-5GT-22 Original belt  0032


Technical Library: cp-643 st 15 (5)

Internet Marketing Article 01-24-2013

Technical Library | 2013-01-24 20:15:46.0

Being found in the search engines for a wide variety of terms directly related to my business would be my 1st priority...


Controlling Voiding Mechanisms in the Reflow Soldering Process

Technical Library | 2017-11-15 22:49:14.0

While a significant level of voiding can be tolerated in solder joints where electrical conductivity is the main requirement, voiding at any level severely compromises thermal conductivity. For example, in LED lighting modules effective conduction of heat through the 1st level die attach to the substrate and then through the 2nd level attach to the heat sink is critical to performance so that voiding in the solder joints at both levels must be minimized. (...) In this paper, the authors will review the factors that influence the incidence of voids in small and large area solder joints that simulate, respectively, the 1st and 2nd level joints in LED modules and discuss mitigation strategies appropriate to each level. They will also report the results of a study on the effect on the incidence of voids of flux medium formulation and the optimization of the thermal profile to ensure that most of the volatiles are released early in the reflow process.

Nihon Superior Co., Ltd.

Videos: cp-643 st 15 (448)

Siemens Cleanig Tissue 00315253-03


00367018-02 TEST CABLE X2 00367019-02 TEST CABLE X3 00367071-01 Oil Dispenser  z-Axis STRUCTVIS GHD 7ml 00367142S04 COMP.SENSOR SP-12 COMPL. 00367174-02 MOTOR WITH SYNCHRONIZING DISK 00367216-04 SIPLACE line utility box (10/2004) 00367237-01 GA

Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Camalot NuJet and DDH (Dual Dynamic Head)

Camalot NuJet and DDH (Dual Dynamic Head)


NuJet and DDH


Events Calendar: cp-643 st 15 (1)

Rocky Mountain Chapter: Oktoberfest TopGolf Tournament

Events Calendar | Thu Sep 22 00:00:00 EDT 2022 - Thu Sep 22 00:00:00 EDT 2022 | Thornton, Colorado USA

Rocky Mountain Chapter: Oktoberfest TopGolf Tournament

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Career Center - Jobs: cp-643 st 15 (12)

SMT Engineer

Career Center | , Arizona USA | Engineering,Production

Position requires an Engineering degree with 4 years experience with SMT equipment preferably FUJI. Programs equipment, maintain profiles, defines process, tooling and standards. Recommends and implement cost reduction approaches.

Management Recruiters of St. Lawrence County

Manufacturing Engineer

Career Center | , Arizona USA | Engineering,Production

Responsibilites include developing process improvement plans, perform internal audits, monitor quality performance through all phases of the production process, and ensure compliance to ISO90002 quality system. Additionally, implement new product an

Management Recruiters of St. Lawrence County

Career Center - Resumes: cp-643 st 15 (25)

Technical Specialist

Career Center | kemaman, malaysia Philippines | Maintenance,Production,Technical Support

• Conduct repairs and troubleshooting of production equipment to avoid / minimize production downtime. • Performs preventive maintenance of production equipment as defined in work procedure and according to their schedule of frequency. • C

SMT Equipment Technician/Maintenance Technician

Career Center | Paco, Manila, Philippines | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Technical Support

 Operation, Programming & Troubleshooting of following machines:  Fuji Machine GP641E, CP642, CP6, CP643E, IPIII, QP242E, QP341E MM using F4g, Fujicam and Fujiflexa Software.  YVL88II,YV88X, YV100II,YV100XG,YG200XG ( Chip shooter & IC Placer) by Y

Express Newsletter: cp-643 st 15 (533)

Partner Websites: cp-643 st 15 (31)

Online Exchange Auction June 22 - 24, 2015 - Baja Bid LLC

Baja Bid |

; Vitronics 6747 Selective Solder; Fuji IP-III and CP-643 SMT Pick & Place Machines; Research International Reflow Oven; Conveyors; Thermotron Ovens; Microscopes; Oscilloscopes; Function Generators

Baja Bid

Fuji Archives - Lewis and Clark

Lewis & Clark |

” Showing all 15 results Default sorting Sort by popularity Sort by latest Sort by price: low to high Sort by price: high to low Fuji CP643 Chip Shooter Make:  Fuji Model:    CP-643E Vintage:  10/98 Details

Lewis & Clark

cp-643 st 15 searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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PCB Handling with CE

Software programs for SMT placement and AOI Inspection machines from CAD or Gerber.
SMT spare parts - Qinyi Electronics

World's Best Reflow Oven Customizable for Unique Applications
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We offer SMT Nozzles, feeders and spare parts globally. Find out more
Formic Reflow Soldering

High Throughput Reflow Oven
PCB separator

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