Industry Directory: cp-743 (1)

shenzhen SUNWARD Electronics Equipment Ltd

Industry Directory | Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions

We are a big trader for secondhand SMT equipments(surface mounting technology equipment) in ShenZhen, China. We often have a large purchasing requirement due to our big sales team. We want to buy

New SMT Equipment: cp-743 (1)



New Equipment |  

Our company engages used SMT machines for many years,FUJII CP6-4000, CP642, CP643, CP743, CP8?YAMAHA100ii, 1OOX, 100XG; JUKI 760, 750, 2050, 2060. Samsung CP45FV?NEO?and Panasonic models.etc. The running is very good, and the price is very competitiv

TaJee Electronics Equipment Ltd

Electronics Forum: cp-743 (26)

Fuji CP-743 Quality expectations?

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 26 10:10:03 EDT 2010 | kapa

We are currently using Mydata (12 and 15) and are now looking at Fuji CP-743 and IP-3, what quality expectation can I have? I am looking for First Pass Yield data from your production with CP-743 and IP-3 machines. Please state type of products you p

FUJI CP743 anyone???

Electronics Forum | Tue May 15 13:43:43 EDT 2001 | Stefan Witte

I have never seen a CP 743. Was it hidden in the Fuji fort? I know a CP 643 though. Stefan

Used SMT Equipment: cp-743 (75)

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Software programs for SMT placement and AOI Inspection machines from CAD or Gerber.
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