Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider
Provides strain gage bonding service, calibration and data acquisition service for pc board strain measurement
Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Manufacturer / Other
Taiwan Dry Tech Corp. manufacturer of Eureka Dry Tech Fast Super Dryers for moisture/humidity proof protective storage of PCB, MSD, IC packages, meets IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033 & IPC-1601.
Lead Free SMT Reflow Oven XMR-1000D Product features: ▶fully meet all kinds of lead-free welding process requirements. ▶WindowsXP operating system, English and Chinese interface, easy to learn operation; Standard air furnace, patented hot air system
New Equipment | Assembly Services
Hanwha HM520 HS SMT Assembly Line Hanwha HM520 HS SMT Assembly Line, Usage: PCB production, Full Automatic Assembly line, Speed: 80000CPH, it's with Automatic PCB Loader, Automatic SMT stencil Printer, Koh Young KY 8080 3D SPI, Automatic Pick and pl
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 29 18:21:43 EST 2001 | slthomas
We recently have received a lot of warped (bowed and/or twisted behond IPC 600 specs.) bare boards (some our fabricator's fault, some ours by design) and I can't help but figure that long term reliability will suffer when building product with them.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 03 13:01:59 EDT 2019 | slthomas
Is there any chance that the boards were mechanically stressed (for instance, installed in a fixture) before, during, or after the testing? I'm just looking for other possible root causes.
Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Reflow
Features 1. Full hot air reflow heat fast, high thermal efficiency compensation, delta t less than ± 2 ℃ soldering is uniform. 2. HELLER company has 40 years of history, process maturity. 3. maintenance costs low, the furnace normal use, electrici
Industry News | 2003-05-23 08:24:49.0
Solid cables of up to 35mm2 cross-section now can be connected to PCBs easily, reliably and cost-effectively with the new Power Combicon range of connectors.
Industry News | 2018-10-18 08:00:40.0
SMT solder joint quality and appearance inspection process
Parts & Supplies | SPI / Solder Paste Inspection
Quick programming, friendly programming interface Multiple measurement methods True one-button measurement Eight-way motion button, one-click focus Adjustable scanning pitch Solder paste 3D simulation function Powerful SPC function MARK
Parts & Supplies | Soldering Equipment/Fluxes
3D Solder Paste Inspection Machine Features : Easy to use by fully motorize X-Y scan mechanism. Easy to program by Gerber image navigator Easy to repeat the same job by loading the saved program User-friendly color image live view operation Ea
Technical Library | 2007-01-31 15:17:04.0
The goal of this project is to evaluate the reliability of lead-free BGA solder joints with a variety of different pad sizes using several different BGA rework methods. These methods included BGAs reworked with both flux only and solder paste attachment techniques and with or without the use of the BEST stay in place StencilQuick™. The daisy chained test boards were placed into a thermal test chamber and cycled between -25ºC to 125ºC over a 30 minute cycle with a 30 minute dwell on each end of the cycle. Each BGA on the board was wired and the continuity assessed during the 1000 cycles the test samples were in the chamber.
Technical Library | 2014-06-19 18:13:23.0
For high-density electronic packaging,the application of flip-chip solder joints has been well received in the microelectronics industry. High-lead(Pb) solders such as Sn5Pb95 are presently granted immunity from the RoHS requirements for their use in high-end flip-chip devices, especially in military applications. In flip-chip technology for consumer electronic products, organic substrates have replaced ceramic substrates due to the demand for less weight and low cost. However, the liquidus temperatures of high-Pb solders are over 300°C which would damage organic substrates during reflow because of the low glass transition temperature. To overcome this difficulty, the composite solder approach was developed...
· What is the difference between SMT vacuum reflow soldering machine and ordinary reflow soldering machine? · What problems can be solved by smt vacuum reflow soldering machine? · What is the basic principle of vacuum reflow machine? · Ho
Lyra Reflow Oven is a soft soldering that realizes the mechanical and electrical connection between the solder ends of surface mount components or the pins and the printed board pads by remelting the solder paste pre-distributed on the printed board
Training Courses | | | PCB Assembly Courses
The PCB assembly courses provide knowledge of different processes and equipment used in TH and SMT assembly of printed circuit boards.
SMTnet Express, October 28, 2021, Subscribers: 26,544, Companies: 11,461, Users: 26,907 Cracks: The Hidden Defect Cracks in ceramic chip capacitors can be introduced at any process step during surface mount assembly. Thermal shock
Heller 公司 |
. Requirements for resistance to thermal fatigue are a priority for the products of many high reliability end users [6]. Solder joints age and degrade during service and eventually fail by the wear out mechanism of thermally activated solder fatigue (creep fatigue) [7
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
Nordson YESTECH Helps Keep GMI’s Cornerstone Values of Quality & Reliability Strong YESTECH Products Corporate | Global Directory | Languages Division Only All of Nordson Home Products Automated Optical Inspection Conformal Coat Inspection Solder Paste Inspection Solutions PCB Assembly Aerospace Automotive Medical