Industry Directory | Manufacturer
Shuttle Star Technology designs and builds advanced off-line 2.5D&3D x-ray inspection systems for solder joint and final assembly test inspection in SMT&EMS. It uses world-class X-ray techniques with advanced defect detection.
New Equipment | Test Equipment
KOH YOUNG Zenith UHS 3D AOI Camera: 12M 15um Max PCB: 490 x 510 mm Weight: 600kg Dimension: 820x1265x1627 mm KOH YOUNG Zenith UHS 3D AOI KOH YOUNG Zenith UHS 3D AOI A model with 8 projections and an 8MPx camera. This model is very resistant t
New Equipment | Test Equipment
Koh Young ZENITH Alpha UHS 3D AOI chip range: 01005 PCB size:330x330mm Cameral resolution: 12M 15μm, Inspection height: 4mm Dimension:820x1265x1627mm weight:550KG Product description: Koh Young ZENITH Alpha 3D AOI, chip range: 01005, PCB size:330x33
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 12 22:15:56 EDT 2013 | ericrr
Sorry to build up your hopes. The latest thing to hit the air ways at work, I was accessed of fiddling with the oven settings, because there were reports of "cracked joints" there was no mention of where the cracks were, cracked at the pcb or cracke
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 07 17:34:52 EST 2015 | duchoang
Customer puts our board to thermal test. Test cycle is -55c to 85c, repeat cycle in 15-20min. After 600 cycles, lot of TSOP joints are cracked, leads lifted. There are reasons such as thin PCB, mechanical impacts, warped PCB... My question is, how lo
Used SMT Equipment | AOI / Automated Optical Inspection
VI Technologies 3D AOI machine (2016) Type: 5K SPECTRO Large Board AOI Solution 230V, 690 Watts, 3 Amps, 50 Hz lightly used unit 3D Single Lane Automated Optical Inspection System Precision XY gantry High-speed linear motors with closed loop
Industry News | 2018-10-18 08:00:40.0
SMT solder joint quality and appearance inspection process
Industry News | 2018-10-18 08:01:00.0
SMT solder joint quality and appearance inspection process
Parts & Supplies | SMD Placement Machines
PANASERT / UNIVERSAL / DYNAPERT PARTS FOR SALE N434UQ04041 Tube BLKE01252 FUSE 5A 40833025 FUSE 1.5A 42453904 FUSE 5A 42453907 FUSE 1A 46347803 Relay 40525301 SHOCK ABSORBER KXF0DSSAA00 46849802 SENSOR 46347803 RELAY 47323702 PROX SWITCH PNP N
Parts & Supplies | SMD Placement Machines
PANASERT / UNIVERSAL / DYNAPERT PARTS FOR SALE N434UQ04041 Tube BLKE01252 FUSE 5A 40833025 FUSE 1.5A 42453904 FUSE 5A 42453907 FUSE 1A 46347803 Relay 40525301 SHOCK ABSORBER KXF0DSSAA00 46849802 SENSOR 46347803 RELAY 47323702 PROX SWITCH PNP N
Technical Library | 2014-06-19 18:13:23.0
For high-density electronic packaging,the application of flip-chip solder joints has been well received in the microelectronics industry. High-lead(Pb) solders such as Sn5Pb95 are presently granted immunity from the RoHS requirements for their use in high-end flip-chip devices, especially in military applications. In flip-chip technology for consumer electronic products, organic substrates have replaced ceramic substrates due to the demand for less weight and low cost. However, the liquidus temperatures of high-Pb solders are over 300°C which would damage organic substrates during reflow because of the low glass transition temperature. To overcome this difficulty, the composite solder approach was developed...
Technical Library | 2014-10-30 01:48:43.0
The ultimate life of a microelectronics component is often limited by failure of a solder joint due to crack growth through the laminate under a contact pad (cratering), through the intermetallic bond to the pad, or through the solder itself. Whatever the failure mode proper assessments or even relative comparisons of life in service are not possible based on accelerated testing with fixed amplitudes, or random vibration testing, alone. Effects of thermal cycling enhanced precipitate coarsening on the deformation properties can be accounted for by microstructurally adaptive constitutive relations, but separate effects on the rate of recrystallization lead to a break-down in common damage accumulation laws such as Miner's rule. Isothermal cycling of individual solder joints revealed additional effects of amplitude variations on the deformation properties that cannot currently be accounted for directly. We propose a practical modification to Miner's rule for solder failure to circumvent this problem. Testing of individual solder pads, eliminating effects of the solder properties, still showed variations in cycling amplitude to systematically reduce subsequent acceleration factors for solder pad cratering. General trends, anticipated consequences and remaining research needs are discussed
· What is the difference between SMT vacuum reflow soldering machine and ordinary reflow soldering machine? · What problems can be solved by smt vacuum reflow soldering machine? · What is the basic principle of vacuum reflow machine? · Ho Hand push pcb cutter/PCB cutting machine manufacturer/PCB V-cut machine manufacturer/PCB depaneling equipment, automatic pcb cutting machine,
Events Calendar | Mon Mar 16 00:00:00 EDT 2020 - Mon Mar 16 00:00:00 EDT 2020 | ,
BGA & Area Array Failures, Causes & Corrective Actions Online Webinar
Events Calendar | Mon Apr 23 00:00:00 EDT 2018 - Thu Apr 26 00:00:00 EDT 2018 | Shanghai, China
SMTA China East Conference 2018
SMTnet Express, October 30, 2014, Subscribers: 23456, Members: Companies: 14075, Users: 37030 Solder Joint Reliability Under Realistic Service Conditions. P. Borgesen, S. Hamasha, M. Obaidat, V. Raghavan, X. Dai; Binghamton University, M. Meilunas
SMTnet Express, October 28, 2021, Subscribers: 26,544, Companies: 11,461, Users: 26,907 Cracks: The Hidden Defect Cracks in ceramic chip capacitors can be introduced at any process step during surface mount assembly. Thermal shock
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |
● XS Series Semi-Inline X-ray Inspection Systems ● XT-6 Series Offline X-ray Inspection Systems - Inspection Islands ● X1# Series ● XCT-1000 Series Applications SMT and Solder Joint Inspection Power Devices Semiconductor Final Assembly - FATP Battery Industries Automotive Consumer Electronics Energy Medical EMS Technologies 2D
Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA) |
: High Power LED Solder Joint Reliability Tuesday, November 28, 2017 | 8:45 am In the past, the temperatures and drive currents that LEDs were typically operated at were limited by the packaging materials used in their construction