Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 01 11:02:51 EST 2008 | flipit
You could also try Wenesco and Air Vac. I have experience on the Air Vac PCBRM10 and PCBRM12. They work great. You have to make sure your nozzle or flow well is designed correctly. For 50 mil pitch and greater, they work well. If you have to rem
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 29 11:43:46 EST 2005 | samir
CMiller, Thanks for the valuable info! We are in the midst of lead-free deployment and need to know good alloy choices at both wave and ERSA. I have heard the same things regarding SAC305's price for bar solder, but don't yet know what the process
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laminar flow. Modifications in flow-well design have proven effective in reducing solder turbulence, resulting in reduced Cu dissolution rates during solder fountain rework6. a) b) Figure 2. a) Cu dissolution rates by barrel geometry ; b) X-section showing
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