Non-profit trade association for the health care industry comprised of a broad cross-section of approximately 200 organizations. Medical Alley is known for its high-quality health care education and training programs, government issue leadership, and convening its members to address critical health care issues.
Failure analysis - Components as well as PC boards, Discretes, Passives ICs - offering X-ray. SEM/EDX -XRF - Cross sectioning complete root cause F/A
New Equipment | Rework & Repair Services
Your BEST Source For High Quality Industry-Leading BGA Repair Service BEST provides industry-leading solutions for Ball Grid Array BGA Repair Services and other grid array device reworks. Our engineers have developed better processes to make our BGA
New for 2015! We now offer destructive testing of PCBAs. Services include Dye & Pry and X-Sectioning.
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 25 10:15:06 EDT 2012 | cyber_wolf
Does anyone have a source for micro cross section supplies? I know about Buehler...was looking for another.
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 25 13:45:41 EDT 2012 | davef
Failure analysis, Cross section Cross section equipment sectioning equipment suppliers: * Leco; 3000 Lakeview Ave, St. Joseph, MI 49085; * Struers; 24766 Detroit Rd, Westlake, OH 44145; 888-787-8377 F440-871-8188 * Buehler Worldw
Used SMT Equipment | In-Circuit Testers
Fluke 5500A Multi-Product Calibrator The Fluke 5500A Multi-Product Calibrator is a revolutionary product that addresses a wide cross-section of your electrical calibration work load. It sources direct voltage and current, alternating voltage a
Used SMT Equipment | General Purpose Test & Measurement
The Fluke 5500A Multi-Product Calibrator is a revolutionary product that addresses a wide cross-section of your electrical calibration work load. It sources direct voltage and current, alternating voltage and current with multiple waveforms and harmo
Industry News | 2003-05-23 08:24:49.0
Solid cables of up to 35mm2 cross-section now can be connected to PCBs easily, reliably and cost-effectively with the new Power Combicon range of connectors.
Industry News | 2003-05-16 08:23:59.0
A novel PCB socket block features integrated crossconnections, which facilitate daisychaining of supply voltage and signal lines in multiboard applications, saving installation time and money.
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
N510028418AA SENSOR EE-SX910-C2J-R 0.5M N610069934AA トレイフィーダ引出部:NPM Tray Feeder Drawing-out Section:NPM N210097292AC BLOCK 0 N610136671AA 全体カバー:NPM-D Whole Cover:NPM-D N610110951AE X-PLATE(F) 0 N210068065AA SPRING 0 N510026562AA WASHER MMSRB6-0
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
N210136905AB PLATE 0 N610124004AA フレキシブルコンベアステーション(搬送部)IPC対応 Flexible Conveyor St (Trannsport Unit) For IPC:NPM-D N210081910AB PLATE 0 N610087916AA 荷重キャリブレーションジグ Load Calibration Jig N210155534AA BRACKET 0 N610073135AA 交換台車切替ユニットガイド部:NPM Feeder
Technical Library | 2010-01-13 12:34:10.0
Micro-sectioning (sometimes referred to as cross-sectioning)is a technique, used to characterize materials or to perform a failure mode analysis, for exposing an internal section of a PCB or package. Destructive in nature, cross-sectioning requires encapsulation of the specimen in order to provide support, stability, and protection. Failures that can be investigated through micro-sectional analysis include component defects, thermo-mechanical failures, processing failures related to solder reflow, opens or shorts, voiding and raw material evaluations.
Technical Library | 2021-09-21 20:36:45.0
The present paper gives an overview of surface failures, internal nonconformities and solders joint failures detected by microscopic analysis of electronic assemblies. Optical microscopy (stereomicroscopy) and Fourier-Transform- Infrared (FTIR) microscopy is used for documentation and failure localization on electronic samples surface. For internal observable conditions a metallographic cross-section analysis of the sample is required. The aim of this work is to present some internal and external observable nonconformities which frequently appear in electronic assemblies. In order to detect these nonconformities, optical microscopy, cross section analysis, FTIR-microscopy and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM-EDS) were used as analytical techniques.
Events Calendar | Tue Jul 18 00:00:00 EDT 2023 - Tue Jul 18 00:00:00 EDT 2023 | Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin USA
UMW Chapter In-Person Event: PCB 101 Workshop and Tour at TTM Chippewa Falls
Events Calendar | Thu Aug 23 00:00:00 EDT 2018 - Thu Aug 23 00:00:00 EDT 2018 | ,
Strain Gauge Data Can Be Misleading | Predicting Strain Levels Caused by Mounting PCBs in Housing Using the ICT Analysis Feature of Sherlock
Career Center | Austin, Texas USA | Engineering
KN Research is assisting it's award-winning high-tech client to fill a Staff Reliability Engineer position. We are seeking an experienced Reliability Engineer with strong skills in hands-on product failure analysis, field failure and internal failur
Career Center | Milpitas, California USA | Engineering,Production,Quality Control,Research and Development,Technical Support
Winslow Automation, Inc. (aka Six Sigma), an industry leader in electronic component interconnect technology & related test and failure analysis services, is seeking individuals specializing in materials lab testing to join our team. We have openin
Career Center | Rochester, New York USA | Engineering
I have done my undergraduate studies in Mechanical Engineering. I am pursuing my Master's Program in Electronics Packaging. I am currently working as a Research Assistant for RIT-CEMA (Center for Electronics Manufacturing and Assembly). My research
Career Center | San Pablo City, Laguna, Philippines | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Sales/Marketing,Technical Support
Some key points you may find relevant to this job opportunity include: Extensive experience and knowledge on Service and Technical skills by performing Set-up, Buy-off, troubleshooting of the assigned Equipments. Provide solution to custom
SMTnet Express, September 23, 2021, Subscribers: 26,674, Companies: 11,444, Users: 26,860 Micro-Sectioning of PCBs for Failure Analysis Micro-sectioning (sometimes referred to as cross-sectioning)is a technique, used to characterize
: We did some cross sectioning of solder joints on a PCB assembly and found some air bubbles trapped in the solder joints. Do you know if there is an IPC standard to specify the maximum allowable air bubbles or voids in a solder joint? Question
Heller Industries Inc. |
) metallographic cross-sectioning thru package/solder joint interface showed a high incidence of voiding not observed in orthogonal cross-section