1018 crown simplimatic 8140 bare board vacuum loader jmw results

Used SMT Equipment: crown simplimatic 8140 bare board vacuum loader jmw (1)

Crown Simplimatic 8140

Crown Simplimatic 8140

Used SMT Equipment | Conveyors

SIMPLIMATIC MODEL 8140 BARE BOARD LOADER in good working condition: Designed to accommodate up to 300 bare PCB panels or 1800 modules, the Simplimatic 8140 can communicate with other equipment to optimize manufacturing performance. For example, the

Tekmart International Inc.

Express Newsletter: crown simplimatic 8140 bare board vacuum loader jmw (1017)

crown simplimatic 8140 bare board vacuum loader jmw searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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JMW Enterprises, Inc.
JMW Enterprises, Inc.

Buyer, Seller, Broker of Electronic Assembly Equipment

Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions

309 West Pickle Alley
Rushford, MN USA

Phone: 507-864-7477

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