Electronics Forum: d-279 (7)

Thermal screening for marginal BGA joints

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 03 09:29:17 EDT 2007 | davef

IPC-9701, SMT Solder Joint Reliability Qualification and Performance Standard is an update of D-279, Design Guidelines For Reliable SMT PCA that includes BGA and PbFree

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Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 18 09:00:39 EDT 2019 | edhare

Hi Matt. I recommend that you see also IPC-D-279, Design Guidelines for Reliable Surface Mount Technology Printed Board Assemblies, July 1996 or current revision.

Partner Websites: d-279 (22)

Online SMT Auction (Featuring Items from TX Solutions)

Baja Bid | https://bajabid.com/online-smt-auction-september-20th-2017-featuring-fab-exchange/

(excluding National Holidays NO EXCEPTIONS) All remaining purchases will be voided after this date. Note , All onsite inspections must be approved and scheduled in advance with Brian Rubiano 510-449-8268 (Cell) 510-279-4417 (Office

Baja Bid

Products | QYSMT

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd | https://www.qy-smt.com/shop/page/282?order=list_price+asc

parts Public Pricelist Public Pricelist HN020 NOZZLE ¥  0.00 0.0 CNY 2 Nozzle Head for NPM-D ¥  0.00 0.0 CNY relay ¥  0.00 0.0 CNY GAS Spring 's screw ¥  0.00 0.0 CNY nozzle 140 ¥  0.00 0.0 CNY pogo pin ¥  0.00

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

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