Electronics Forum: databook (3)


Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 12 07:54:52 EDT 2007 | Rob

Rohm make them & call them Backfires: http://www.rohm.com/products/databook/led/pdf/sml-812.pdf The only problem is on some applications you may have to use light pipes.

Removing Markings from Devices

Electronics Forum | Thu May 01 18:17:09 EDT 2008 | jmelson

I just got done analyzing an old piece of gear with relabeled parts. We had a schematic of the boards, with no info other than the OEM's part numbers and the way the chips were interconnected. It took me no more than 15 minutes with a couple databo

Technical Library: databook (1)

Intel Packaging Databook

Technical Library | 1999-04-15 08:21:22.0

Intel's Packaging Databook is intended to serve as a data reference for engineering design, as well as a guide to Intel package selection and availability. IC assembly, performance characteristics, physical constants, detailed discussions of SMT, etc.

Intel Corporation

databook searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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