Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 16 12:16:57 EST 2012 | swarnergictg
No-one should be accepting parts based solely on the presence of a C of C - from an independent or even an authorized distributor. You should have a QC plan in place that includes comprehensive visual inspection, microscope, x-ray, XRF, decapsulation
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 24 18:57:03 EDT 2009 | davef
From "siliconfareast.com": Basic Die Cracking FA Flow 1) Failure Information/Device and Lot History Review. Understand the customer's description of the failure, i.e., the failure mode, where it was encountered, what conditions the sample was subject
Technical Library | 2022-10-04 16:43:10.0
In this paper I will discuss the different methods and equipment used to detect counterfeit electronic parts, specifically integrated circuits as well as demonstrate some of the "red flags" that help to identify a part as being suspected counterfeit. We will begin with the initial receipt of the parts and the examination of the outer packaging, the basic visual inspection of the parts, the visual inspection and documentation at high magnification, permanency marking, blacktop test, scrape test, XRF (RoHS), decapsulation, X-ray, basic electrical testing, C-SAM, full function testing and limited function testing.
SMTnet Express, March 18, 2021, Subscribers: 27,418, Companies: 11,314, Users: 26,540 Everyone loves a story of something works the way it's intended to work. • Mandy, an equipment trader from China, listed a Yamaha KG7-M8501-40X AIR