Electronics Forum: depaneling, stress (1)

Chip crack at what stress.

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 14 09:07:26 EST 2002 | cfraser

I can not tell you what the actual stress limits are. I can tell you that de-paneling PCB's by hand is a very poor choice. I have seen numerous accounts of cracked caps, resistors, and LED�s due to incorrect de-paneling procedures. I would recommend

Express Newsletter: depaneling, stress (105)

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S300 News Release

FKN Systek | http://fknsystek.com/PCB%20Separator%20S300%20Saw.htm

. Built to provide a stress free method to singulate panels with sensitive surface mount components close to the edge of the parting section, the FKN systek diamond blade depaneling saws leave a smooth

FKN Systek

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