Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 21 05:05:52 EDT 2007 | vangogh
Hi All, I would like to get some inputs regarding this.... I have bare PCB which were stored with kapton tape attached on the Au plated pads. These were stored for close to a year. Upon removal of kapton tape, we noticed discolorations on the edges o
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 29 10:02:28 EDT 1999 | John Thorup
Chris A lot of people have reported sudden, fab lot related problems with Ni/Au pads. These are usually characterized by a discoloration of the gold and called cheerful names like "black pad disease". This can be a process problem at your fab house
Industry News | 2018-10-18 08:55:30.0
Nitrogen Protection Reflow Oven
Industry News | 2019-06-20 17:25:01.0
High resolution inspection tool with built-in LCD designed for standalone PCB inspection