New SMT Equipment: dross formula (1)

NS Flux-Cored Lead Solder

NS Flux-Cored Lead Solder

New Equipment | Solder Materials

We have a wide variety of flux-Cored solder, a mix of metal alloy, flux and other elements, that we have put together to match every type of application. This formula is designed so that the incidence of bridging is rare; likew

Nihon Superior Co., Ltd.

Electronics Forum: dross formula (3)

Solder Saver

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 03 21:27:58 EDT 2004 | davef

We know of two "solder savers" 1 Kester Formula 5749 Solder Saver: We believe Kester Formula 5749 Solder Saver to be a new formulation of Kleenox. Kleenox works. It helps separate the solder entrapped in the dross. [One tiny warning, one chemical

Re: Aged Solder Paste

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 04 17:11:29 EST 1998 | Steve Gregory

| Can anyone help with advice on the possibility | of "rejuvinating" aged solder paste | for SMT applications. | Thanks! Peter, I wouldn't even try...even if you had all the different chemicals that you needed to do it properly, the formula's f

Express Newsletter: dross formula (63)

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