Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 12 19:09:21 EST 1999 | Jess Baker
Manufacturers who have to mark barcodes onto PCB's without secondary application of pressure sensitive labels can etch it on, screen it on, inkjet it on, use laser marking, or a combination of those. Using a laser marker to write a code into a label
Electronics Forum | Mon May 12 13:55:19 EDT 2014 | hegemon
It sounds like a bit too much solder on the PWB, caused by too large a pad for the lead it will contain. In that case solder reduction is the way to move forward. What are the options there? 1. New stencil or stencils - (not desirable) 2. Increas
Industry News | 2018-05-22 12:19:27.0
IPC – Association Connecting Electronics Industries® would like to announce the release of additional test coupons for the IPC-2221B Gerber Coupon Generator, an exclusive annual subscription service for IPC member companies. The IPC-2221B Gerber Coupon Generator subscription service is the only service providing new, industry approved test coupons addressing blind, buried, stacked and staggered via structures. The most commonly used coupons for product acceptance are “AB,” “AB/R” and “D” which were introduced in 2016.
Industry News | 2011-06-07 16:55:44.0
Tonka Electronics will highlight various products and technologies at the upcoming SMTA Upper Midwest Expo & Tech Forum, scheduled to take place Thursday, June 9, 2011 at the Sheraton Bloomington Hotel in Bloomington, MN.
in the reflow soldering process including vacuum tech
PCB Libraries, Inc. | https://www.pcblibraries.com/forum/solder-mask-on-0-40-pitch-qfn_topic3127.html
: 11 Post Options Post Reply Quote feynman Report Post Thanks(0) Quote Reply Topic: Solder Mask On 0.40 Pitch QFN Posted: 27 May 2022 at 2:10pm You could simply make the solder mask openings 1
| https://www.eptac.com/soldertips/solder-pot-maintenance-and-dross-removal/
. If the use is in a tinning solder pot the only dross build up will be on the exposed surface of the molten solder. The amount of dross can change depending upon the set temperature of the solder in the pot as well
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