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Eureka Dry Tech's IPC/JEDEC J-Std-033c Ultra Low Humidity Dry Cabinets provides moisture/humidity controlled storage of MSD,PCB, IC packages. Drying technology trusted by millions in replacing baking, nitrogen & desiccant packs.
Industry Directory | Manufacturer
Design and Manufacture Desiccant Dry Cabinets for low humidity storage and baking of moisture sensitive components, PCBs, electronic materials, lab samples, digital media and medical devices.
New Equipment | Board Handling - Storage
Dr. Storage offers the most diverse selection of Dry Cabinets in the industry. The latest Dr. Storage cabinets include cabinets drying at 1% RH, drying at less than 1% RH and baking at 60°C. Cabinets are plug and play so they are up and running easil
New Equipment | Board Handling - Storage
The Dr.Storage T40W are plug and play, fully auto dry cabinets which can bake at a stable 40℃ and maintain a consistent The T40W Baking Cabinets Series has a double wall design to ensure it maintains a stable According to J-STD-033B, using a T40W
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 14 13:54:54 EDT 2002 | DenM
Larry, You can try one of two approaches, a bake above 100C will drive off moisture or use a vacuum bake. The vacuum bake process is slow since there is less/no air to conduct the heat. In the hybrid industry the standard vacuum bake was 16 hours at
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 07 09:05:11 EDT 2002 | davef
N2 PPM vs %RH? With a firm grasp of the obvious, reflow oven manufacturers rig N2 ovens differently than non-N2 ovens. The N2 displaces O2. Usually N2 oven monitor something or other to give an indication of N2 ppm. %RH really isn't part of the eq
Used SMT Equipment | Drying Equipment
Despatch Bake Oven FOB: Origin Contact ND5
Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers
COMPLETE FACTORY CLOSURE This MPM UP2000 HiE will be sold to the highest bidder along with other assets on December 1st. Please visit for complete details. Also Included In Same Sale: 2015 Europlacer iiNEO I Pick and Plac
Industry News | 2018-10-18 08:32:52.0
How to Prevent Solder Ball and Bridging Defects during the SMT Reflow Process
Industry News | 2014-08-04 16:04:28.0
Mark Capizzi appointed as Equipment Marketing and Support Manager
Technical Library | 2021-11-26 14:34:07.0
The use of desiccant bags filled with Silica Sand and or Clay beads used in conjunction with a Moisture Barrier Bag to control moisture for storage of printed circuit boards has long been an accepted practice and standard from both JEDEC and IPC organizations. Additionally, the use heated ovens for baking off moisture using the evaporation process has also been a long#2;standing practice from these organizations. This paper on alternative drying methods will be accompanied by completed independent, unbiased tests conducted by Vinny Nguyen, an engineering student (now graduated) from San Jose State University. The accompanied paper will examine the performance levels of different technologies of desiccant bags to control moisture in enclosed spaces. The tests and equipment set were reviewed by an engineer and consultant to the Lockheed Martin Aerospace Division and the IPC - TM-650 2.6.28 test method was review by engineer from pSemi. The tests were designed to mimic performance tests outlined in Mil Spec 3464, which both IPC and JEDEC have adopted for their respective standards. The test examined variables including absorption capacity rates, weight gain and release of moisture back into the enclosed area. The presentation will also address and highlight: • Similarities of PCBs and Heavy Equipment as it applies to Inspections, Causes of Failure, Types of Corrosion and Moisture Collection Points. • Performance Attributes of Different Desiccant Technologies as it applies to shape, texture, change outs, labeling and regeneration. • Venn Diagram of Electromechanical Failure with the circles 1. Current 2. Contamination 3. Humidity Presentation Available
Versatile, affordable drying system suited to a number of applications like PCB baking & drying. To get more information from below link:
Versatile, affordable drying system suited to a number of applications like PCB baking & drying. To get more information from below link:
: IPS Pneumatic HASL Board Fluxer, s/n AG01008 Category: 22 Grieve SB-550 Two Door Electric Bake Oven, s/n 630236, 400 Degree F Max Temp Sold at TRC Circuits on 11/30/2022 Vadnais Heights MN Previous Item Next Item Lot Number: 22 Description
Imagineering, Inc. |
. These largely relate around keeping sensitive equipment dry and protected from the environment. The best solution currently being used today is baking the components and carefully monitoring them to ensure that moisture is controlled