Electronics Forum: dull hasl fifnish (25)

Plating Integrity

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 17 10:06:13 EDT 2005 | Doug

We have had some experience with the immersion tin. The appearance can be "bright" or "dull". Don't discount the fact that it is "bright" doesn't necessarily make it HASL. Furthermore, I personally have never heard of a board manufacturer "stripping

Fiducial Recognition

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 03 02:43:20 EDT 2012 | grillomalta

We clean a good number of fiducials, mostly where HASL PCBs are used. Since the pad is not exactly flat, our SONY 1500 MKII reflects the light from what is essentially, a small 'mound'... Many times our operators use an eraser to 'dull' the finish.

Express Newsletter: dull hasl fifnish (41)


HASL - WHAT A HASSLE, or HASL'd AGAIN. If you don't see the images, please visit online version at #Application.SmtNet.baseURL#/express/ Featured Article HASL - WHAT A HASSLE, or HASL'd AGAIN. Proof Of Design MoonMan This article updates

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