Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 18 10:13:59 EST 2004 | davef
Materials added to solder can change its appearance. For instance: * Gold in tin/lead solder is dull / grainy * Palladium in tin/lead solder is dull / grainy We do NOT advocate using visual appearance to define the appearance of a good and a bad so
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 17 10:47:48 EDT 2005 | davef
Doug: We agree that imm tin can be easily stripped and reapplied. Do you order imm tin as bright/ dull? Is bright/dull a function of who the fabricator lisences the process? Er wha? Electroplate tin can be either matt or bright. It is different
Industry News | 2011-05-16 16:00:12.0
Nihon Superior announces that Keith Howell, Technical Director for the Americas, will present during the SMTA Ohio Valley chapter meeting on June 3, 2011 at the Dave and Busters in Hilliard, Ohio.