Electronics Forum: ekra ex (4)

Ekra E-X series squeegees compatibility

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 03 12:52:47 EST 2016 | cbeneat

I am not sure, we only have X series, but If you go to Transition Automation they show OEM replacements w/holes for E4,E5,E6 and X series to be the same.

Ekra E-X series squeegees compatibility

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 03 09:34:43 EST 2016 | oxygensmd

He everyone, We have an Ekra E5 screen printer which is really nice machine I think. Now I'm looking forward a new squeegees set. I don't know the E-series and the X-series can use both squeegees? Are the squeegee holder the same on this two machin

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Ekra E4, X4

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