Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 24 13:01:24 EDT 2013 | quaker332007
Can anyone help me with the center support on this oven? The support is rising up to high and causing the board to rock during reflow. Is the away to lower the center support?
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 25 11:15:55 EDT 2012 | aj
are you sure the zone 5 blower is running? sounds like it isnt.... no harm to check all blowers while you are at it.
Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Reflow
Electrovert Reflow oven / Reflow kemence Omniflo 7 1 Electrovert Reflow oven / Reflow kemence Omniflo 7 1 Vitronics Soltec Reflow Quantis 1 Electrovert Reflow oven / Reflow kemence Omniflo 7 1 Electrovert Reflow oven / Reflow kemence OmniExcel 7
Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Reflow
Speedline Electrovert Omnimax 10 Oven Manufactured Year: 2012 Voltage: 380, 3 Phase 10 Zones Oven, Top and Bottom Heated Length: 3.855 mm 3 Cooling Zone Cooling Length: 1.293 mm Reflow Operating Temperature: 350 C Curing Operating Tem