Electronics Forum: enig shadow (3)

HASL surface finish

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 15 16:31:25 EDT 2020 | rgduval

You may find some wetting issues running LF HASL with 63/37, as your reflow temperatures will be significantly below the LF reflow. On fiducials...if you don't have a quote for your boards with ENIG, I would recommend at least checking it out. It's

THM Solder barrel fill issues on 93 mils board

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 21 09:09:50 EDT 2013 | wcheew

I am having solder barrel fill issues on THM component, we follow, we follow IPC 610 E requirement. The barrel fill issues happen on signal & ground pin at connector & E-cap. I found out that most of the insufficient solder happen on the connector ag

Industry News: enig shadow (2)

Online PCB Auction – October 7 – 14, 2014 Hosted By GoIndustry & Baja Bid (Featuring Items From Cirtech Electronics).

Industry News | 2014-10-01 15:59:00.0

PCB provider Cirtech Electronics located in Cape Town, South Africa will be liquidating their assets utilizing the online auction services of GoIndustry and Baja Bid. Bidding for the auction will open promptly at 8:00am PDT on October 7th, 2014 and will begin closing at 6:00am PDT on October 14th, 2014.

Baja Bid

Online PCB Auction - October 7 – 14, 2014 - Bidding Now Open!!!!!

Industry News | 2014-10-10 16:27:51.0

CB provider Cirtech Electronics will be liquidating their assets utilizing the online auction services of GoIndustry and Baja Bid.

Baja Bid

Express Newsletter: enig shadow (53)

SMTnet Express January 31 - 2013, Subscribers: 26152

SMTnet Express January 31, 2013, Subscribers: 26152, Members: Companies: 9105, Users: 34242 Projection Moiré vs. Shadow Moiré for Warpage Measurement and Failure Analysis of Advanced Packages There are three key industry trends that are driving

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