New SMT Equipment: era or de (1)

Austin American Technology Aqua ROSE™ Batch Circuit Cleaner / Tester Systems

Austin American Technology Aqua ROSE™ Batch Circuit Cleaner / Tester Systems

New Equipment | Cleaning Equipment

WORLD’S FIRST AQUEOUS CLEANER / TESTER The Aqua ROSE™, from Austin American Technology, introduces a new era to batch cleaning / Ionic Contamination Testing. Now experience a batch cleaner that offers multiple cleaning and testing technologies for c

Austin American Technology

Electronics Forum: era or de (14)

Soldering or Sadering?

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 22 16:21:03 EDT 2007 | darby

We pronounce it "buggery" as in the Marquis De Sade. This is where your customer came up with "sa-dering". The hyphen is actually in the wrong place; it should be as follows; "sade-ring". This is a derivation, shortening, or almost an acronym for "

SMT/PCBA Headhunter or Recruiter

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 13 18:02:47 EST 2003 | ex maintain leader

Hi all, My problem is to move myselves to western europe, now I'm living in Hungary and I have too many problems with people wich do not wanna work and I must work for 3..4 bosses. I like to teach up ewerybody, but not for the possibilitie wich is

Used SMT Equipment: era or de (1)

Agilent 5DX Series 3 or Series 5000

Agilent 5DX Series 3 or Series 5000

Used SMT Equipment | X-Ray Inspection

KEERS Technologies specializes in Agilent AOI, AXI and ICT systems. For a number of customers we are looking for 5DX Systems. We offer de-installation, pick-up, crating, shipping and installation services with certified engineers.  In case you ha

KEERS Technologies

Industry News: era or de (7)

IPC Puts It to a Vote: Asks Who Will Be 2013 IPC APEX EXPO Keynoter? Deep Sea Explorer, Physicist, Movie Producer or Astrophysicist?

Industry News | 2012-06-11 18:41:32.0

Opening Keynote speaker is in the hands of the electronics manufacturing industry. IPC is asking industry to decide who would be the ideal keynote speaker to kick off three days of inspiring information and knowledge at IPC APEX EXPO 2013, February 19–21, in San Diego.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

IPC Puts It to a Vote: Asks Who Will Be 2013 IPC APEX EXPO Keynoter? Deep Sea Explorer, Physicist, Movie Producer or Astrophysicist?

Industry News | 2012-06-11 18:41:48.0

Opening Keynote speaker is in the hands of the electronics manufacturing industry. IPC is asking industry to decide who would be the ideal keynote speaker to kick off three days of inspiring information and knowledge at IPC APEX EXPO 2013, February 19–21, in San Diego.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Express Newsletter: era or de (52)

Testing Digital Designs - The Boundary-scan Balance

Testing Digital Designs - The Boundary-scan Balance Testing Digital Designs - The Boundary-scan Balance As several industry pundits have expressed in recent years: "the era of 'one test method fits all' seems well behind us." For most test

Partner Websites: era or de (1822)

In the Era of Industry 4.0, How to Deal with SMT Processing Plants? - Dongguan Intercontinental Tech


In the Era of Industry 4.0, How to Deal with SMT Processing Plants? - Dongguan Intercontinental Technology Co.,Ltd. English Türk dili Tiếng Việt 한국어 日本語 Italiano Deutsch

IPC7351-C Draft or Release date? - PCB Libraries Forum - Page 1

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

IPC7351-C Draft or Release date? - PCB Libraries Forum - Page 1   Forum Home > PCB Footprint Expert > Questions & Answers    New Posts    FAQ    Search    Events    Register    Login IPC7351-C Draft or Release date

PCB Libraries, Inc.

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Software for SMT placement & AOI - Free Download.
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Software programs for SMT placement and AOI Inspection machines from CAD or Gerber.