Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider
MANEX Systems, Inc. markets and implements Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP/MRPII) and MES software
Industry Directory | Manufacturer
Avcom is a complete electronic service manufacturer that offers the flexibility to choose the services you require. We can manage and produce your entire project or perform a single service.FREE quote
This is an Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP)for Electronics Manufacturers consisting of modules in the following areas: Sales and Accounting; Material Planning and Management; Production Engineering; Production WO Management; and System Manag
Altronics develops individualized material strategies for each of our customers. Our state of the art ERP system maximizes flexibility, while allowing us to minimize cost and excess material liability to you. Consignment: 100% customer supplie
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 09 12:09:16 EDT 2000 | Robert V. Kritz
David, I have worked with Manex ERP system for serveral years and at two different companies. I'm currently the Project Leader in the implementation of Manex at my new place of employment. Your message didn't state what you were interested in knowin
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 30 14:56:07 EDT 2010 | davef
Search the fine SMTnet Archives for background discussions on Manex, DBA, Catalyst, SAP in a box ...
Industry News | 2020-12-22 14:58:35.0
Naprotek, Inc. today announced the appointment of Ms. Peg Fordney to the position of Director of Business Development.
Industry News | 2012-02-15 21:45:28.0
Pactron has recently purchased an Aegis Manufacturing Operation Software (MOS) system to improve efficiency across their facility. This system comprises Aegis’ iLaunch, iView, iTrac, IQ and XLink software modules.
Career Center | , | Engineering,Maintenance,Production
Production Planning ~ Supply Chain Management ~ Productivity Management ~ Sub Contracting Management ~ Process Quality Management ~ Process innovation & Lean Mfg ~ Cost efficiency Management ~ Manpower Management ~Multi Skilling & Training, Six Sigma