Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 29 11:56:21 EDT 2013 | kdc45
Sent program to a CP43 and the part data was not recognized. Machine message to power down and back up, so we did so. On power up, screen appeared with the following: OS Error Err Code 0001 Err task 0028 Err para FFFF Ex stat 0151 Err adrs CC400000
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 12:50:14 EDT 2021 | jamesatqkits
Hi Bukas, Err 22 shows up on the Panasonic motor driver in the back. I purchased this machine used. I have never had it operating in my shop. I checked the output of the transformer, 110 V output is 97 220 is 197, so I checked my input its 200 (machi
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