Industry Directory | Distributor
Ersa Electronics is a reliable distributor of electronic components.
Industry Directory | Manufacturer
Manufacturer of Selective Soldering Systems, Ersascope BGA Inspection Systems, BGA Rework Systems, Soldering Irons, Wave Solder and Reflow Equipment.
New Equipment | Soldering Robots
ERSA POWERFLOW Wave Soldeing Machine Solder volume: 820 kg working width: 508 mm Weight: 2,200 bis 3,000 kg Dimension: 4,200 to 4,950x1,510x1,565 mm ERSA POWERFLOW Wave Soldeing Machine ERSA POWERFLOW Wave Soldeing Machine ERSA POWERFLOW Wa
New Equipment | Wave Soldering
"Best in Class" Wave Soldering Machines with the Lowest Running Costs. The POWERFLOW series of wave soldering machines were specifically designed to meet the challenges of lead free soldering! The machines highlight a 400 mm or 16" bo
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 22 03:02:02 EDT 2012 | kcngoi
We use succesfully SN100C on ERSA330 for about > 2-3years. > > Pros: > > - price, - less dross > comparing to SAC305, - some ppl say better > mechanical durability comparing to SAC305 > (depends who pay for "independent" > studies) > > Cons:
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 25 09:52:06 EDT 2015 | byviko
Hello, we will buy new wave soldering machine . Trying to decide between two model; Soltec Delta-x and ERSA Powerflow N2. Could you help us , which one is better? most of pcb low volume, others high volume. At first low batch production will be done
Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Selective
This machine will be coming available for purchase soon. Our end-user customer does not have a set price for this item. They have told us to forward them all offers. Please contact for more information. Features: Version
Industry News | 2014-02-13 16:40:22.0
Kurtz Ersa North America will display the proven POWERFLOW e N2 at the IPC APEX EXPO. The compact full tunnel wave soldering system significantly reduces solder consumption as well as the unit cost attributable to the process.
Industry News | 2015-02-18 08:27:35.0
Kurtz Ersa North America is pleased to announce that Philips Lighting Electronics Mexico (PLEM) has purchased two POWERFLOW N2 systems. As Ersa’s flagship machine, the POWERFLOW N2 was specifically designed to meet the challenges of lead-free.
Parts & Supplies | Soldering Equipment/Fluxes
We supply Ersa, HAKKO, Weller and Quick replacement Soldering Tips. The most competitive price. Quality guaranteed! Visit to see the introduction.
ERSA's new full nitrogen tunnel wave solder machine, the POWERFLOW N2 was specifically designed to meet the challenges of lead free! As ERSA's flagship machine, the POWERFLOW N2 can reduce lead free wave solder running costs by as much as 90%! The ma
The POWERFLOW N2 provides superior process stability even at maximum throughput and offers numerous future-oriented and intelligent features creating substantial added value for its users. Find our products ?
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