Electronics Forum: essemtec or rad any (1)

in-circuit test - HP or GenRad

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 28 13:41:19 EDT 1999 | mike weekes

I am looking to buy either a GenRad TestStation 80 or a HP 3170 test station. GenRad has matched HPs price, but I'm concerned about the HP UNIX vs GenRad NT base - any input on your choice and service, support, cost, issues, satisfaction - email me

Used SMT Equipment: essemtec or rad any (1)

Universal Instruments Radial 8 6380B or Newer

Used SMT Equipment | THT Equipment

Please contact us if you have any UIC RAD 8's or VCD 8's available for sale, preferrably 6380B or 6241F or newer. AssuredTechnicalServiceLLC@Gmail.com UIC Spare Parts and Machines available - Please inquire.  

Assured Technical Service LLC

Express Newsletter: essemtec or rad any (511)

Partner Websites: essemtec or rad any (8)

ACI Technologies 2-Day TechExpo

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