Electronics Forum: europlacer ep600 (5)

Intelliplace and Europlacer

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 24 11:12:14 EST 1998 | Scott B

We are in the process of assessing some medium volume, stand alone SMT Placement systems. Does anyone have any experience with :- 1) Europlacer (Specifically the Progress 6 or EP600) 2) Intelliplace (DHM-120 or SHM-120) I have searched the forum bu

Re: Intelliplace and Europlacer

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 30 10:18:31 EST 1998 | Dave F

| We are in the process of assessing some medium volume, stand alone SMT Placement systems. Does anyone have any experience with :- | | 1) Europlacer (Specifically the Progress 6 or EP600) | 2) Intelliplace (DHM-120 or SHM-120) | | I have searched

Used SMT Equipment: europlacer ep600 (1)

Europlacer EP600

Europlacer EP600

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Heads: 1 rotary head on X/Y gantry with 8 pick ups & a 40 position ‘smart’ nozzle bank Rate: 9 100 cph (IPC: 7 750 cph) Components: 0201 to 50x50mm Pitch: 0.3mm (QFP), 0.4mm (µBGA) Accuracy: 40µm (QFP’s) @ 3 sigma 75µm (Chips) @ 3 sigma (

Fix Trade BV

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