19 f-mot-move x/156 timeout results

Electronics Forum: f-mot-move x/156 timeout (3)

MYDATA TP9-4 MI board

Electronics Forum | Sat May 29 14:03:18 EDT 2010 | padawanlinuxero

Hello guys! I have a problem I had to change the MI Board on a MYDATA TP9-4 machine because it was firing 3 or more feeders at the same time, after the change it run great but then for some reason after a while it start to show an error message that


Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 05 09:39:07 EDT 2019 | filipblad

Hi, I'm getting the F-MOT-MOVE X/156 error on our MY12 pick'n place. The manual tells me its an hardware issue. I found another thread on here where someone had a similar issue and they found out it was a power subbly issue. If I open the service pro

Partner Websites: f-mot-move x/156 timeout (16)

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KD Electronics Ltd.

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