Industry Directory | Manufacturer
Leading manufacturer of AOI equipment for the SMT industry.
Industry Directory | Distributor
Cupio provides and supports equipment for some of the world's top suppliers of test and inspection equipment aimed at production inspection and repair test.
New Equipment | Assembly Services
Hanwha HM510 SMT Assembly Line Hanwha HM510 SMT Assembly Line, Usage: PCB production, Full Automatic Assembly line, Speed: 60000CPH, it's with Automatic PCB Loader, Automatic SMT stencil Printer, Koh Young KY 8080 3D SPI, Automatic Pick and place ma
New Equipment | Assembly Services
Hanwha HM510 SMT Assembly Line Hanwha HM510 SMT Assembly Line, Usage: PCB production, Full Automatic Assembly line, Speed: 60000CPH, it's with Automatic PCB Loader, Automatic SMT stencil Printer, Koh Young KY 8080 3D SPI, Automatic Pick and place ma
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 05 21:36:51 EST 2006 | Jimmy
Hello, Currently, we are running new product,server card, and encountered hugh false alarm (17%) at ICT station. Already confirm its is not flux issue...False call always on the vias location. I also notice the vias size is much smaller than those
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 27 05:45:20 EDT 2017 | pavel_murtishev
methos1979, 1. Mirtec, Marantz 2. Koh Young, Orbotech, Mirtec 3. Koh Young Zenith 4. Definitely Programs for 3D AOI are prepared really faster. Having defined component database, programming takes no more than a couple of hours. Fine tuning takes u
Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Wave
this type can be added with nitrogen protection system 1 Flux spraying system 1.1 Spray fluxer can sense the board size automatically, and the spraying area can be adjusted according to the width of PCB. 1.2 Spray fluxer can sense the conveyor
Industry News | 2003-03-28 08:46:12.0
The high scan speeds and fast setup times of the Excalibur system make it a good choice for this sector of the bare-board PCB manufacturing industry
Industry News | 2021-05-23 22:24:17.0
Flame is used by people around the world for cooking, smelting, heating and many other usages. Handling flame with care will not cause any damage but only bring benefits. However, when handling flame carelessly, the flame will not only have the possibility to cause great harm to the person but also to the building. A small flame caused by a spark has the potential to grow into a flame that can burn down a whole building, thus flame detection is essential in giving out alerts of the existence of flame.
Technical Library | 2020-10-30 10:27:39.0
Preview of the Complete Aneryn's Orbotech Trion 2340 Manual. It explains how to programme the AOI machine, how to train new components (shapes), how to connect it to your network, among other processes. Following the Guide, you will minimize false alarms and escapes rates easily. Full Manual available at Digital development by Sinfonía Digital
Technical Library | 2016-04-14 13:49:44.0
A system level test, usually built-in test (BIT), determines that one or more subsystems are faulty. These subsystems sent to the depot or factory repair facility, called units under test (UUTs) often pass that test, an event we call No-Fault-Found (NFF). With more-and more electronics monitored by BIT, it is more likely that an intermittent glitch will trigger a call for a maintenance action resulting in NFF. NFFs are often confused with false alarm (FA), cannot duplicate (CNDs)or retest OK (RTOK) events. NFFs at the depot are caused by FAs, CNDs, RTOKs as well as a number of other complications. Attempting to repair NFF scan waste precious resources, compromise confidence in the product, create customer dissatisfaction, and the repair quality remains a mystery. The problem is compounded by previous work showing that most failure indications calling for repair action at the system level are invalid. NFFs can be caused by real failures or may be a result of system level false alarms. Understanding the cause of the problem may help us distinguish between units under test (UUTs) that we can repair and those that we cannot. In calculating the true cost of repair we must account for wasted effort in attempting to repair unrepairable UUTs.This paper will shed some light on this trade-off. Finally, we will explore approaches for dealing with the NFF issue in a cost effective manner.
1200MM/1500MM Online SPI , Big Size Solder Paste Inspection Machine mail: whatapp/wechat:+8613537875415 Specification: 技术参数/Parameters 技术平台/Technology Platform super big size platform 适用
This video presents a general overview of ORPRO Vision's AOI during test. Video captured at Tremol SMD in Bulgaria. For additional information, please contact ORPRO Vision at Visit our website: www
Training Courses | | | PCB Design Courses
The PCB design courses teach students the process, techniques and tools needed to design layout of printed circuit boards.
Training Courses | | | PCB Design Courses
The PCB design courses teach students the process, techniques and tools needed to design layout of printed circuit boards.
Career Center | San Pedro Sula, Cortes Honduras | Engineering,Maintenance,Management,Technical Support
Preventive maintenance on SMT machines. Corrective maintenance on SMT Machines Schedule of preventive maintenance programs. Minimum Inventory control for spare parts Automation process on SMT Lines Work Instructions for maintenance procedur
components and solder joints, intelligent judgment of bad. Solving the two traditional algorithm pain points: Long programming time. High false alarm rate. 1
ASCEN Technology |
. This machine offers easy and straight forward programming, ultra-fast inspection speed, very high detect ability and low false alarm