Electronics Forum: fisnar robot (7)

Fisnar I&J500 Selective soldering robot repair.

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 18 07:17:09 EDT 2010 | phomann

Hi, I have a Fisnar I&J500 Selective soldering robot that has failed. I think it is from around 2000. The Fisnar I&J500 base has a soldering attachment on it. As I understand it, the base controller sends it a 5 bit command to the soldering unit. T

Manuals/software for Fisnar I&500 Solder Robot

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 12 11:18:13 EST 2008 | davef

Consider calling used equipment suppliers. Often, they keep the manuals for equipment in a "library" because they're unsure if they will get a manual with the next piece of that equipment they buy to resell. So then, they can make a copy to go with t

Express Newsletter: fisnar robot (153)

SMTnet Express - March 25, 2021

SMTnet Express, March 25, 2021, Subscribers: 27,349, Companies: 11,325, Users: 26,553 Search Robots Are Important to Business Part 1: Why care about webpage Search robots? Reservations about robots are: • Just need to make sales

SMTnet Express - May 2, 2019

SMTnet Express, May 2, 2019, Subscribers: 31,890, Companies: 10,752, Users: 26,060 A New Line Balancing Method Considering Robot Count and Operational Costs in Electronics Assembly Credits: Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. Automating electronics assembly

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