Electronics Forum: flux process on leadframe (135)

Excess wave flux on lead free process

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 17 03:07:17 EST 2005 | Chua

Hi, We are running lead free at wave solder now and the spray flux system is down. If we are going to able the flux manually, what problem will we be facing with the excess flux able. Appreciate for the advise.

Excess wave flux on lead free process

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 17 22:14:42 EST 2005 | Chua

Hi Davef, Thanks for your advise...... We are running no-clean process. If there is white residues after few days.....is it cause by those excess flux. Thanks

Industry News: flux process on leadframe (64)

IPC/SMTA High-Performance Electronics Assembly Cleaning Symposium Announces Panel Discussion on Electronic Equipment Designs

Industry News | 2008-09-29 09:33:53.0

ROSEMONT, IL � Industry-leading associations IPC and SMTA jointly announce that Dave Torp, IPC Vice President of Technology and Standards, will moderate a collaborative panel discussion on cleaning equipment designs. The panelists will comprise cleaning equipment experts including Steve Stach of Austin American Technology, Mike Konrad of Aqueous Technologies, Jim Timler of Steolting/Trek, John Neiderman of Speedline Technologies, Roger Travato of Technical Devices, and Eric Larson of Crest Ultrasonic. The symposium, jointly sponsored by IPC and SMTA, will be held at Crowne Plaza Chicago O'Hare in Rosemont, IL on October 28-29, 2008.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Technical Library: flux process on leadframe (13)

Model for Improvement of Fluxing Process on Selective Soldering Machines

Technical Library | 2017-05-25 17:07:39.0

Purpose of this research is to identify the factors that directly influence the effectiveness of the fluxing process in selective soldering machines, using the design of experiment methodology with associated factors and levels used in the experiment. Final findings gives directions for set up of the optimal fluxing parameters that will enable appropriate flux appliance and to gain reduction of soldering quality issues which foundations are from this process.

Visteon Electronics

Partially-Activated Flux Residue Impacts on Electronic Assembly Reliabilities

Technical Library | 2016-12-29 15:37:51.0

The reliabilities of the flux residue of electronic assemblies and semiconductor packages are attracting more and more attention with the adoption of no-clean fluxes by majority of the industry. In recent years, the concern of "partially activated" flux residue and their influence on reliability have been significantly raised due to the miniaturization along with high density design trend, selective soldering process adoption, and the expanded use of pallets in wave soldering process. When flux residue becomes trapped under low stand-off devices, pallets or unsoldered areas (e.g. selective process), it may contain unevaporated solvent, "live" activators and metal complex intermediates with different chemical composition and concentration levels depending on the thermal profiles. These partially-activated residues can directly impact the corrosion, surface insulation and electrochemical migration of the final assembly. In this study, a few application tests were developed internally to understand this issue. Two traditional liquid flux and two newly developed fluxes were selected to build up the basic models. The preliminary results also provide a scientific approach to design highly reliable products with the goal to minimize the reliability risk for the complex PCB designs and assembly processes. This paper was originally published by SMTA in the Proceedings of SMTA International


Videos: flux process on leadframe (3)

Flux spray coating on PCB with DispenseJet DJ-2200

Flux spray coating on PCB with DispenseJet DJ-2200


Flux spray coating on a PCB with uniformal thickness down to 5 microns, with clear edge definition and minimal overspray. Can coat large or shoot dots with the same jet.

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions




Water-based, alkaline defluxing for semiconductor electronics HYDRON® SE 230A is a water-based, single-phase cleaning agent specifically developed for the use in dip tank processes. It removes flux residues from a wide range of semiconductor electro

ZESTRON Americas

Express Newsletter: flux process on leadframe (1000)

SMTnet Express - August 31, 2017

SMTnet Express, August 31, 2017, Subscribers: 30,770, Companies: 10,706, Users: 23,739 NSOP Reduction for QFN RFIC Packages Mumtaz Y. Bora; Peregrine Semiconductor Wire bonded packages using conventional copper leadframe have been used in industry

Partner Websites: flux process on leadframe (2470)

Issues of Burnt Flux on Class 3 PCB Assemblies | EPTAC

| https://www.eptac.com/soldertips/issues-of-burnt-flux-on-class-3-pcb-assemblies/

. I understand that if the laminate is burnt it is a defect condition, but I am not clear on burnt flux for a no-clean process. Any clarification would be appreciated. Answer


Heller Industries Inc. | https://hellerindustries.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/flux.pdf

), decreasing cooling and condensation efficiencies. The time period for this may vary depending on the type of solder paste flux used, the weekly consumption rate of paste, and oven temperature profiles

Heller Industries Inc.

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