New SMT Equipment: fuji flexa xml example (1)

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Electronics Forum: fuji flexa xml example (6)

Fuji Flexa Feeder Report Mod

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 21 12:48:08 EDT 2003 | johnburgueno

Can someone enlighten me on how to modify/change the Fuji Flexa Feeder Report. We want the report to show the part description. I called Fuji America, but they are not sure on how to do this yet being that this system is still fairly new. I was able

Fuji Flexa Transmission error

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 16 05:44:26 EDT 2009 | kircchoffs

hi dman97, have you generated your program without errors? if yes you pls check this folder and look for CP642M_FEEDERSETUPDEF.XML pls post the snapshot.

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