Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 13 07:14:34 EDT 2010 | mun4o
Hi all, we have two smd line, with 2 topaz X each.Software for optimizing is PPS v.8.0.The problem is that when PPS optimazing the programme, IC, diodes and other polarity components are with wrong orientation.But, I see the orientation onli when str
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 00:35:47 EDT 2010 | sachu_70
The PPS helps to prepare a program off-line without affecting on-line production. However, there are certain efforts that we must consider, such as identifying the part orientation on feeder vis-a-vis its placement orienation on PCB, and confirming s
Industry News | 2010-01-19 05:29:53.0
PROCAM - Automatic Gerber to Centroid (CAD) Extraction Software