Electronics Forum: generating centroid data free war (4)

Free software for programming

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 02 12:02:33 EST 2020 | mikekeens

Depends on the programming that needs to be done - there is free software available such as GERBV - 'http://gerbv.geda-project.org/' but not that easy to use. For comparing BOM's there is some free software called MELD - http://meldmerge.org/ that's

Circuit cam and mydata

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 10 09:59:13 EDT 2020 | spoiltforchoice

&gt; We unfortunately use GERBER data to digitize <BR> &gt; boards more than any CAD. We are CM and many of <BR> &gt; our customers do not provide CAD. With some <BR> &gt; Legacy products, we still use 274-D Gerbers

Industry News: generating centroid data free war (5)

What Design Files Are Necessary for PCB Manufacturing & Assembly?

Industry News | 2018-10-18 11:01:38.0

What Design Files Are Necessary for PCB Manufacturing & Assembly?

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Extremely fast and precise inspection for high-volume production from Viscom at SMTA

Industry News | 2018-09-17 19:21:50.0

Viscom Inc. today announced plans to exhibit at SMTA International, scheduled to take place Oct. 16-17, 2018 at the Donald Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, IL. The Viscom Americas team will highlight the S3088 ultra chrome in Booth #315. The system is designed to meet the demand for high throughput production lines, inspect the most leading-edge electronics and be cost competitive.

Viscom AG

Express Newsletter: generating centroid data free war (1061)

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PCB Handling with CE

Software programs for SMT placement and AOI Inspection machines from CAD or Gerber.
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