Industry Directory | Manufacturer
We help engineers frustrated by the slow and burdensome process of getting prototype and low-volume production PCB assemblies built quickly and at a great price.
Industry Directory | Manufacturer
We manufacture laser stencil for the PCB industry.
Graphical CAM software for captive and contract PCB assemblers. GC-PowerPlace accepts Gerber data along with an ASCII BOM file to create and verify assembly equipment programs off-line. Centroids are extracted with sub-micron precision. It can also c
ScanPLACE provides a sophisticated and user-friendly alternative to complex CAM software packages and inaccurate, time consuming manual inspection and programming methods that cost assembly houses productivity, time and money. Programming Using a
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 20 11:44:40 EDT 2006 | sliebl
Anyone using Circuit Cam? We too are looking for a gerber/centroid converter. I used the demo of GraphiCode GC-PowerPlace and it works, but seems cumbersome. It's also difficult to substantiate the large capital cost of these programs without being v
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 16 06:59:07 EDT 2006 | timnop
I have been using Unisoft for many years. Works great.
Industry News | 2018-10-18 11:23:54.0
6 Things to Check Before Submitting Your PCB Design for Manufacturing
Career Center | San DIego (Mira Mesa), California USA | Engineering,Maintenance,Production
Duties: Supports, develops and optimizes manufacturing processes. Reviews quality metrics to help produce high quality, repeatable processes. Assists with supporting and improving the SMT process (print process, placement, reflow, package-o
Career Center | Killdeer, North Dakota USA | Engineering
SUMMARY OF RESPONSIBILITIES The purpose of this position is to provide guidance and support to the production operations in the area of responsibility and to provide a work environment where coworkers have the tools, training and leadership to build
Career Center | ORLANDO, Florida USA | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Technical Support
Manufacturing tech/eng for a contract manufacture for 10+ years. Been working in the SMT industry for a total of 20yrs. Have done everything from operator to process work. Most familiar with Assembleon, MPM, DEK, BTU,Electrovert, SLIM-KIC, SUPER-MOLE
) - AutoCAD Electrical (see note 31) x-y centroid varies (see note 31) PCB assembly x-y center (see note 31) y AutoTRAX DEX (see note 19) (see note 19) (see note 19) (see note 19) n AutoTRAX DEX (see note 2) Gerber varies (see note 2) PCB assembly drawing file
Imagineering, Inc. |
. Gerber Files Gerber files break down each layer of the PCB. From the silkscreen to the solder paste to the substrate and copper layering, you will need some of the most important specs