Industry Directory: glass mapping plate (2)

West-Tech Materials

Industry Directory | Manufacturer's Representative

Specialty materials for SMT Assembly. Solder Paste, Spheres, Tac Fluxes, Flip Chip Fluxes, Solder wi

Dymax Corporation

Industry Directory | Manufacturer / Other

ISO certified global manufacturer and supplier of light-curable adhesives, coatings, oligomers, dispense systems, light-curing equipment, and technical consulting for the industrial, medical, and electronics industries.

New SMT Equipment: glass mapping plate (46)

Aluminum PCB; Metal Core PCB; LED PCB Circuit board -- Hitech Circuits Co., Limited

Aluminum PCB; Metal Core PCB; LED PCB Circuit board -- Hitech Circuits Co., Limited

New Equipment | Fabrication Services

Aluminum PCB & Metal Core PCB & LED PCB Circuit board Aluminium PCB are metal-based, copper-clad laminates with a good heat dissipation function. Usually, Aluminium PCB is refer to LED PCB board, which is the most important part of LED display and l

Hitech Circuits Co., Limited

BGA Rework Machine for soldering and desoldering.  Hot Air BGA rework station for printed circuit board repair.

BGA Rework Machine for soldering and desoldering. Hot Air BGA rework station for printed circuit board repair.

New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment

BGA Rework Stations from the BGA Experts with over 25 years rework process experience and customer support! For high volume BGA Rework on even the largest computer and networking boards! The model SV560A has a high resolution optical system for pla

Precision PCB Services, Inc

Electronics Forum: glass mapping plate (163)

heat resistant glass plate

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 17 03:23:09 EDT 2013 | vishnudas123

Dear All, can please tell specifications of heat resistant glass plate which is used to flux application and process control of wave soldering. can you tell the suppliers of the same in India. BR, Gupta.

Certified glass plates with components

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 11 11:17:43 EST 2000 | Andy Yates

I wonder whether anyone can tell me where I might purchase a NIST certified glass plate with components placed upon it? Thanks, Andy

Used SMT Equipment: glass mapping plate (4)



Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Wave

      Senju Lead Free Wave SPF-300 Very Nice clean machine       Dual Wave Solder   No Nitrogen   No Top Preheat Zones   355mm Max PCB width           3x Bottom Radiant Preheat Zones       SPF-300    


Universal Instruments Calibration Kit for GSM and GSMx

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

I have available Calibration Kit for Universal GSM and GSMx. It has a complete of calibration plate and nozzle for GSM. And an accuracy placement glass for GSMx. If you are intereted please don't hesitate to contact us. Pictures will be available u

Autronix Systems, Inc.

Industry News: glass mapping plate (47)

PCB Test Point Provide Easy Component Access

Industry News | 2003-06-13 09:56:46.0

Wire and spring specialist William Hughes can now offer three different versions of its PCB test point - small, large and long-legged in quantities suitable for prototype work or volume production.


IPC New Releases New Products

Industry News | 2001-12-17 07:49:03.0

The following IPC products have now been released.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Parts & Supplies: glass mapping plate (346)

Yamaha glass KGA-M88F0-A0 big size KGA-M88F0-A0X KGA-M88F0-00X AMF STATION ASSY

Yamaha glass KGA-M88F0-A0 big size KGA-M88F0-A0X KGA-M88F0-00X AMF STATION ASSY

Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders

YAMAHA glass KGA-M88F0-A0 big size KGA-M88F0-A0X KGA-M88F0-00X AMF STATION ASSY Other Yamaha parts we have in stock: 1 KHY-M3401-01 PLATE, FEEDER 60 1 2 KHY-M3405-00 STAND 1 1 3 KHY-M3406-00 STAND 2 1 4 KHY-M340C-01 PLATE, FRONT 2 5 KHY-M371R

ZK Electronic Technology Co., Limited

Technical Library: glass mapping plate (2)

High Performance Multilayer PCBs Design and Manufacturability

Technical Library | 2013-10-31 17:36:41.0

Multilayer printed circuit boards (PCBs) that utilize high performance materials are inherently far more challenging for a fabricator to build, due to significant material property differences over standard epoxy glass FR4. These unique material characteristics often require higher processing temperatures, special surface treatments (to aid in hole and surface plating), they possess different expansion properties, making layer-to-layer registration more difficult to control, and require many other unique considerations.

Spectrum Integrity, Inc.

Long Term Thermal Reliability of Printed Circuit Board Materials

Technical Library | 2016-09-15 17:10:40.0

This paper describes the purpose, methodology, and results to date of thermal endurance testing performed at the company. The intent of this thermal aging testing is to establish long term reliability data for printed wiring board (PWB) materials for use in applications that require 20+ years (100,000+ hours) of operational life under different thermal conditions. Underwriters Laboratory (UL) testing only addresses unclad laminate (resin and glass) and not a fabricated PWB that undergoes many processing steps, includes copper and plated through holes, and has a complex mechanical structure. UL testing is based on a 5000 hour expected operation life of the electronic product. Therefore, there is a need to determine the dielectric breakdown / degradation of the composite printed circuit board material and mechanical structure over time and temperature for mission critical applications.

Amphenol Printed Circuit Board Technology

Videos: glass mapping plate (36)

Vision Measuring Machine,image measuring machine,auto measuring instrument

Vision Measuring Machine,image measuring machine,auto measuring instrument

Videos Vision Measuring Machine and image measuring instrument can be used for dimensional accuracy measurement of various molds, aircraft, automobile, mobile phone, computer,

ASCEN Technology

full auto image measuring instrument,Vision Measuring Machine,Vision Measuring System

full auto image measuring instrument,Vision Measuring Machine,Vision Measuring System

Videos Vision Measuring Machine and image measuring instrument can be used for dimensional accuracy measurement of various molds, aircraft, automobile, mobile phone, computer,

ASCEN Technology

Training Courses: glass mapping plate (1)

Virtual Course: PCB Design for Implementing 3D and High Density Semiconductor Package Technologies

Training Courses | | | PCB Design Courses

The PCB design courses teach students the process, techniques and tools needed to design layout of printed circuit boards.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Career Center - Resumes: glass mapping plate (1)

Sr. Process & Quality Engineer

Career Center | Houston, Texas USA | Engineering,Management,Quality Control,Technical Support

Seasoned Process & Quality Engineer. Degreed Chemical Engineer. 20+ years in Electronics Semiconductor manufacturing. Proficient in Quality Statistical tools, Design of Experiments, FMEAs, APQP, PPAP, ISO 9000, ISO/TS 16949 etc.

Express Newsletter: glass mapping plate (189)

Partner Websites: glass mapping plate (229)

YAMAHA Glass plate calibration KM0-M88C0-10X | QYSMT

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd |

YAMAHA Glass plate calibration KM0-M88C0-10X | QYSMT × Home About US ABOUT US FAQ SMT spare parts SMT Surplus equipments SMT peripheral equipments News Contact US 0 0 Sign in Contact Us Products Glass plate calibration Public Pricelist Public Pricelist

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Yamaha Calibration Glass Qfp Kmo-M880a-101 Smt Calibration Glass


Yamaha Calibration Glass Qfp Kmo-M880a-101 Smt Calibration Glass Leave a Message We will call you back soon! Your message must be between 20-3,000 characters

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